Desiree Linden - 2018 BAA Boston Marathon Boston, MA April 16, 2018 Photo: KevinMorris/PhotoRun
John Hancock kündigt 2019 Boston Marathon U.S. Elite Team an.
Das 29-köpfige Team besteht aus Olympioniken, US Champions, panamerikanischen Medaillengewinnern, Paralympioniken und Abbott World Marathon Majors Champions.
BOSTON, MA, Dezember 2018, 10:00 Uhr EST- John Hancock, seit 1986 Hauptsponsor des Boston-Marathons, und die Boston Athletic Association gaben ein erfolgreiches US-Elite-Team für den 123. Durchgang des Rennens am 15. April 2019 bekannt. Die Gruppe von 29 Athleten wird gegen ein internationales Feld von Weltklasse antreten, um am Patriots‘ Day um den begehrten Olivenkranz zu kämpfen.
„Der amerikanische Langstreckenlauf war noch nie so stark, und wir fühlen uns geehrt, dieses talentierte US-Elite-Team zu unterstützen, um ihr Einsatz und ihre Leidenschaft zu demonstrieren, der Beste der Welt zu sein“, sagte John Hancock Chief Marketing Officer Barbara Goose. „Mit den Titelverteidigern Des Linden und Tatyana McFadden an der Spitze sind alle Läufer überzeugt, dass sie am historischsten Rennen der Welt mitwirken werden. Wir werden am Patriotentag für alle jubeln.“
„Der 123. Boston Marathon bietet ein hochkarätiges amerikanisches Feld, das sowohl erfahrene Veteranen als auch solche, die ihr Debüt in Boston geben, vereint“, sagte Tom Grilk, CEO der B.A.A. „Olympioniken, Podiumsplätze und einige der schnellsten Amerikaner der Geschichte werden am Patriotstag in Hopkinton die erste Geige spielen und das berühmte Ziel der Boylston Street erreichen wollen, das vor dem Ziel liegt. Wir freuen uns darauf, Amerikas beste Talente 2019 in Boston begrüßen zu dürfen, und freuen uns besonders auf die erneute Teilnahme unserer beiden amtierenden amerikanischen Meisterinnen Desiree Linden und Tatyana McFadden.“
Bei den Frauen kehrt die amtierende Boston Marathon Meisterin Desiree Linden zurück, um ihren Titel zu verteidigen. Mit dem Gewinn wurde Linden die erste offene Meisterin der US-Frauen seit 33 Jahren. Zu Linden gesellen sich Sarah Sellers, letztes Jahr Zweite in Boston, und Jordan Hasay, 2017 Dritte in Boston, während sie das schnellste amerikanische Debüt aller Zeiten feierte.
Sara Hall, die US-amerikanische Marathon Meisterin 2017, gehört zu dem Trio ebenso wie Lindsay Flanagan, die Silbermedaillengewinnerin des Panamerikanischen Games Marathons 2015, die Siegerin des California International Marathons 2013 Becky Wade und Sarah Crouch, die beste Amerikanerin des Bank of America Chicago Marathons 2018.
Bei den Damen kehrt die fünffache Gewinnerin und amtierende Meisterin Tatyana McFadden zurück. Im vergangenen Jahr hat sie sich trotz der widrigen Umstände auf den Sieg gesteigert. Die letzten Vize-Weltmeisterinnen des Boston Marathons, Susannah Scaroni und Amanda McGrory, kehren ebenfalls zurück, ebenso wie Arielle Rausin, die in Massachusetts geborene Katrina Gerhard, und die L.A. Marathonmeisterin Michelle Wheeler.
Bei den Männern kehrt Shadrack Biwott, Dritter in diesem Jahr und Vierter im Jahr 2017, zur Titelverteidigung zurück. Zu ihm gesellt sich im John Hancock Elite Athlete Team eine starke Gruppe amerikanischer Männer, darunter Jared Ward, der beim Olympiamarathon 2016 Sechster wurde, der dreimalige Olympionike Dathan Ritzenhein, der drittschnellste US-Marathonläufer aller Zeiten, und der viermalige Olympionike Abdi Abrahmdian.
Jeffrey Eggleston, ein dreimaliges Mitglied des IAAF World Championships Marathon Teams, und die aufstrebenden Stars Scott Fauble und Elkanah Kibet werden ebenso antreten wie Aaron Braun und die Bostoner Einheimischen Timothy Ritchie und Brian Shrader.
Das amerikanische Kontingent in der Männerrollstuhlklasse wird sehr stark sein, angeführt von US-Star Daniel Romanchuk, der sowohl bei der Bank of America Chicago als auch bei den TCS New York City Marathons Siege einfuhr. Der erst 20-jährige Romanchuk ist auf den Plan getreten und will seinen dritten Platz in Boston im vergangenen Jahr verbessern. In diesem Herbst gewann er als erster Amerikaner die Männerrollstuhlklasse in New York, wo er den zurückgekehrten Bostoner Champion Marcel Hug ausstechen konnte.
Abgerundet wird das Team der amerikanischen Herren durch Joshua George, Aaron Pike, James Senbeta, Krige Schabort und Brian Siemann.
Mit dem Boston Marathon 2018 feierte John Hancock zum 34. Mal sein unübertroffenes Engagement für das legendäre Rennen.
2019 U.S.A. Elite Team Höhepunkte und Teilnehmerliste folgen.
Horst Milde nach Informationen des John Hancock Boston Marathon (B.A.A.)
2019 Boston Marathon John Hancock U.S. Elite Open Team
Abdi Abdirahman, a four-time Olympian, placed sixth at the 2017 Boston Marathon. He is a multiple national champion in the 10,000m, 10K, 10-mile and half marathon.
Shadrack Biwott finished third this year in Boston. Last year, he was second American and fourth overall. Biwott placed fifth at the 2016 TCS New York City Marathon in a personal best time of 2:12:01.
Aaron Braun, 13th at the 2018 Bank of America Chicago Marathon, is a versatile road runner. Braun is a national champion in the 12K and was top American at the 2015 Houston Marathon.
Sarah Crouch has finished top-ten three times at the Bank of America Chicago Marathon, including this year where she was top American and ninth overall. She is a past champion of the Tallahassee Marathon and finished 11th at the 2016 Boston Marathon.
Jeffrey Eggleston has raced on three IAAF World Championships Marathon teams, placing as high as 13th in 2018. He has won the Pittsburgh, Woodlands, Lima and San Diego Marathons and has been runner-up in Brisbane, Pittsburgh and at Twin Cities.
Scott Fauble was the second American and seventh overall at the 2018 TCS New York City Marathon. Fauble placed fourth in the 10,000m at the 2016 Olympic Trials and represented the United States at the 2017 IAAF World Cross Country Championships.
Lindsay Flanagan, the 2015 Pan American silver medalist in the marathon, finished 11th at the 2017 Boston Marathon and set her personal best of 2:29:25 at the Frankfurt Marathon this year.
Sara Hall is the tenth fastest U.S. women’s marathoner of all time having set her 2:26:20 mark at the 2018 Ottawa Marathon. Hall has earned national titles in the marathon, 20K, 10-mile, mile and cross country. She is married to Ryan Hall, who is a John Hancock Elite Athlete Ambassador and holds the American course record of 2:04:58 at the Boston Marathon.
Jordan Hasay set an American debut record of 2:23:00 with her third-place finish in Boston in 2017. She then ran the second fastest marathon of all time by a U.S. woman at the 2018 Bank of America Chicago Marathon, where she placed third in 2:20:57. Hasay is an 18-time All American and a national champion at 15K and 20K.
Elkanah Kibet, a member of the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program, has had two top-ten finishes at the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. At the 2017 IAAF World Championships Marathon, Kibet finished top American and 16th overall. He was 8th in Boston in 2018.
Desiree Linden, a two-time Olympian, returns to Boston as defending champion. A top-five finisher in eight Abbott World Marathon Majors, additional accomplishments include placing seventh at the 2016 Olympic Games Marathon, tenth at the 2009 IAAF World Championships Marathon, second at the 2012 and 2016 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials and second in the 10,000m at the 2015 Pan American Games. In addition to her 2018 win in Boston, she placed second in 2011.
Timothy Ritchie, the 2017 U.S. National Marathon champion, ran for the U.S. at the 2016 IAAF World Half Marathon Championships where he placed 23th. Ritchie is the head men’s cross country coach at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Dathan Ritzenhein is the fourth fastest U.S. marathoner of all time with a 2:07:47 personal best. Career highlights for the three-time Olympian include finishing ninth at the 2008 Olympic Marathon, winning the bronze medal at the 2009 IAAF World Half Marathon Championships and finishing 13th at the 2012 Olympic Games 10,000m.
Sarah Sellers ran through freezing rain and torrential wind this year to finish second behind Des Linden. In her 2017 marathon debut, Sellers won the Huntsville Marathon. In New York this year she finished 18th.
Brian Shrader is a versatile runner on the track and roads. He made his half marathon debut in Boston this year at the B.A.A. Half Marathon, running 1:05:26. He also made his marathon debut in 2018, running 2:13:31 at the USA Championships in Sacramento.
Becky Wade, a champion of the California International Marathon, finished 11th at the 2018 Virgin Money London Marathon and tenth at the 2017 Bank of America Chicago Marathon.
Jared Ward placed third at the 2016 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials and followed with a sixth-place finish at the Olympic Marathon in Rio de Janeiro, less than a minute and a half out of medal contention. In 2017 Ward was tenth at the Boston Marathon and this year, he finished top American and sixth overall at the TCS New York City Marathon.
2019 Boston Marathon U.S. Elite Wheelchair Team
Joshua George is an 11-time Boston Marathon finisher and 4-time Paralympian. He has recorded wins at both the Bank of America Chicago and Virgin Money London Marathons over the course of his career.
Katrina Gerhard is an Acton, Mass., native and current student-athlete at the University of Illinois. She won the 2018 B.A.A. 10K and placed ninth at the 2017 Boston Marathon.
Tatyana McFadden is a five-time Boston Marathon champion and won last year’s rain-soaked race. McFadden has won 22 Abbott World Marathon Majors races and has earned 17 Paralympic medals.
Amanda McGrory has finished on the Boston Marathon podium four times, including a pair of runner-up finishes in 2007 and 2017. McGrory is a seven-time Paralympic medalist, including three medals at the 2016 Paralympic Games.
Aaron Pike is both a winter and summer Paralympian, having competed in both track and field, biathlon, and cross-country skiing. His career best finish in Boston is seventh (2017).
Arielle Rausin has competed at the Boston Marathon five times, with a career best finish of fifth last year. Rausin graduated from the University of Illinois and owns a business which produces wheelchair racing gloves.
Daniel Romanchuk won both the TCS New York City Marathon and Bank of America Chicago Marathon in 2018. A rising star, he finished third in Boston 2018 and set a pair of World Records on the track in the 800m and 5000m.
Susannah Scaroni was last year’s Boston Marathon runner-up. Scaroni also placed second at the 2018 BMW Berlin Marathon and NYC Half Marathon and won the 2018 Peachtree Road Race. She was a 2016 Paralympian.
Krige Schabort is a six-time Paralympian and two-time Paralympic medalist in the marathon (bronze in 1992, silver in 2000). Schabort has won the TCS New York City Marathon twice.
Brian Siemann is a two-time Paralympian and finished 25th at the 2016 London Paralympic Marathon. His fastest Boston came in 2017, when he finished in 1:26:46.
James Senbeta qualified for three events at the 2016 Paralympic Games – the 800m, 5000m, and Marathon. He is a former course record holder at the Falmouth Road Race.
Michelle Wheeler is the reigning LA Marathon champion, having won the 2018 race in 2:16:36. Also in 2018 she placed tenth at the New York City Marathon and fifth at the Oita International Wheelchair Marathon.
2019 Boston Marathon USA Elite Team – Open
Jordan | Hasay | 2:20:57 (Chicago, 2017) |
Desiree | Linden | 2:22:38 (Boston, 2011) |
Sara | Hall | 2:26:20 (Ottawa, 2018) |
Lindsay | Flanagan | 2:29:25 (Frankfurt, 2018) |
Becky | Wade | 2:30:41 (Sacramento, 2013) |
Sarah | Crouch | 2:32:27 (Chicago, 2018) |
Sarah | Sellers | 2:36:37 (New York City, 2018) |
Dathan | Ritzenhein | 2:07:47 (Chicago, 2012) |
Abdi | Abdirahman | 2:08:56 (Chicago, 2006) |
Jeffrey | Eggleston | 2:10:52 (Gold Coast, 2014) |
Jared | Ward | 2:11:30 (Rio de Janeiro, 2016) |
Elkanah | Kibet | 2:11:31 (Chicago, 2015) |
Timothy | Ritchie | 2:11:56 (Sacramento, 2017) |
Shadrack | Biwott | 2:12:01 (New York City, 2016) |
Scott | Fauble | 2:12:28 (New York City, 2018) |
Aaron | Braun | 2:12:54 (Houston, 2015) |
Brian | Shrader | 2:13:31 (Sacramento, 2018) |
2019 Boston Marathon USA Elite Team – Push Rim Wheelchair
Tatyana | McFadden | 1:35:05 (Boston, 2017) |
Susannah | Scaroni | 1:33:17 (Boston, 2017) |
Amanda | McGrory | 1:33:13 (Boston, 2017) |
Arielle | Rausin | 1:41:26 (Boston, 2017) |
Katrina | Gerhard | 1:40:34 (Boston, 2017) |
Michelle | Wheeler | 1:45:22 (Oita, 2018) |
Daniel | Romanchuk | 1:26:26 (Boston, 2017) |
Joshua | George | 1:21:47 (Boston, 2017) |
Aaron | Pike | 1:22:09 (Boston, 2017) |
James | Senbeta | 1:24:27 (Boston, 2017) |
Krige | Schabort | 1:23:44 (Boston, 2012) |
Brian | Siemann | 1:26:45 (Boston, 2017) |
The full elite international field will be announced in a few weeks. For additional information about the elite athlete program and sponsorship, please visit or follow us @jhboston26 and @johnhancockUSA on Twitter.
Quelle: Boston Marathon B.A.A.