
Bücher - Foto: : World Athletics

Geschenke für Leichtathletikfans – Bücher und Publikationen

By GRR 0

Es kann schwierig sein, das perfekte Geschenk für Freunde und Familie zu finden.

Es hilft natürlich, wenn sie ein Hobby oder einen Zeitvertreib haben, aber auch das kann seine eigenen Herausforderungen mit sich bringen – vor allem, wenn es scheint, dass Ihre Lieben bereits alles haben, was sie brauchen.

Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen – Wenn Sie immer noch nicht wissen, was Sie kaufen sollen, finden Sie hier eine Auswahl an Ideen in einer Reihe von Themen, die für jedes Budget geeignet sind.

Und ganz gleich, ob Sie Weihnachten feiern oder nicht – diese Liste kann Ihnen als Anregung für Geschenke dienen, die Sie vielleicht in naher Zukunft kaufen möchten.

Oder Sie könnten sogar einige dieser Artikel für sich selbst bestellen – schließlich haben wir in dem Jahr, das wir alle hinter uns haben, eine kleine Aufmerksamkeit verdient!



Leichtathletik 2020

Peter Matthews / ATFS

Zusammengestellt von Peter Matthews und seinen Kollegen der Association of Track & Field Statisticians (ATFS) ist dies der unverzichtbare Leitfaden und das unverzichtbare Nachschlagewerk für die Leichtathletik.

Diese Ausgabe enthält Einzelheiten über die Saison 2019, ein Jahr, in dem die Weltmeisterschaften in Doha stattfanden. Sie enthält auch die Ergebnisse anderer Großveranstaltungen, Features und Kommentare sowie Weltlisten für 2019 und alle Zeiten. Jedes Jahr werden diese Jahrbücher von allen wahren Anhängern des Sports sehr geschätzt; wieder einmal ist dieses Buch eine unverzichtbare Lektüre für alle Liebhaber der Leichtathletik.

Available from Lulu


bookOut Of Thin Air

Michael Crawley

Why does it make sense to Ethiopian runners to get up at 3am to run up and down a hill? Who would choose to train on almost impossibly steep and rocky terrain, in hyena territory? And how come Ethiopian men hold six of the top 10 fastest marathon times ever?

Michael Crawley spent 15 months in Ethiopia training alongside (and sometimes a fair way behind) runners at all levels of the sport, from night watchmen hoping to change their lives to world-class marathon runners, in order to answer these questions. Follow him into the forest as he attempts to keep up and get to the heart of their success.

Available from Bloomsbury



Jan Novák / Jaromír 99

Emil Zátopek is arguably the greatest Olympic champion of all time. The Czech runner’s three gold medals at the 1952 Helsinki Summer Olympics (5,000m, 10,000m and marathon) have never been matched. His success as a runner made him a national hero, but as a public figure, outspoken and unafraid to take a stand, he was equally impressive. Even before the Helsinki Games, Zátopek had scored a remarkable victory, successfully pressuring the Communist regime to allow his colleague Stanislav Jungwirth, a political outcast, to compete.

In Zátopek, Jan Novák and Jaromír 99 trace the extraordinary life and times of the great Olympian, from his first meeting with Dana, the love of his life, to the victories that would ensure his lasting legacy.

Available from Self Made Hero


bookMes 10 Commandements

Kevin Mayer

In 2018, France’s Kevin Mayer made athletics history when he broke the decathlon world record with 9126.
Having won the world title in 2017, the world indoor title in 2018 and the European title later that year, an Olympic gold medal is the only thing missing from his collection.

This is the autobiography of a man who is committed to the environment, passionate about music, and dedicated to achieving his ultimate goal of winning an Olympic title.

Available from Lisez


bookSalto A Las Alturas

Karel López / Ruth Beitia

What’s Ruth Beitia really like? And how did she become one of the best Spanish athletes in history with medals from the Olympic Games, World Championships and European Championships?

This book answers these questions and many more. The 2016 Olympic high jump champion not only talks about herself and her momentous jumps, but also all the people who have been vital throughout her career.

The book features insights from other key figures within the sport, including fellow athletes, Olympic medallists, journalists and members of the Spanish Athletics Federation.

Available from Cydonia


bookBroken – 2020: the year running records were rewritten

Ally Beaven

Attempting to break long-distance running records used to be an underground endeavour, until the virus-stricken summer of 2020 came along. Only a few, such as the Bob Graham Round in the Lake District, had ever broken into mainstream consciousness. But an absence of running races thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in an unprecedented rise in the popularity of attempts at breaking these records.

In Broken, Ally Beaven takes an entertaining look at just why 2020 was so unusual for long-distance running. With his interest in Fastest Known Times (FKTs) piqued, Beaven immerses himself in the scene. His summer becomes one of spending hours in the hills feeding, cajoling and generally trying to keep safe the runners he is supporting, as well as following the dots of live trackers in the middle of the night and endlessly refreshing his Twitter feed as records tumble around the country.

Available from Vertebrate


bookThe Irish Whales – Olympians of Old New York

Kevin Martin

In the early 1900s, the Olympic Games track and field throwing events were dominated by a group of Irish-born weight throwers representing the United States. Of immense size and with a larger-than-life presence, these athletes came to be known as the ‚Irish Whales‘.

James Mitchell, John Flanagan, Martin Sheridan, Pat McDonald, Paddy Ryan, and Con Walsh won a total of 18 medals at the Olympic Games between 1900 and 1924 and completely dominated the world stage in their chosen disciplines. They were lionised in the American and Irish press and became folk heroes among Irish-American immigrant communities.

In The Irish Whales: Olympians of Old New York, Kevin Martin shares the untold story of these Irish American athletes who competed with unparalleled distinction for the United States.

Available from Rowman & Littlefield


bookRunning The World

Nick Butter

Nick Butter is the first man to run a marathon in every country on Earth. On 6 January 2018, Butter tied his laces and stepped out on to an icy pavement in Toronto, where he began to take the first steps of an epic journey that would see him run 196 marathons in every one of the world’s 196 countries.

Spending almost two years on the road and relying on the kindness of strangers to keep him moving, Nick’s odyssey allowed him to travel slowly, on foot, immersing himself in the diverse cultures and customs of his host nations. Running the World captures Nick’s journey as he sets three world records and covers more than five thousand miles.

Available from Penguin


bookHurry Slowly

Liam Boylan-Pett

‚Hurry slowly‘ is a saying in Norway, one that nine-time New York City Marathon champion Grete Waitz lived by. Have patience, it urges, but move with intent. It’s a great maxim for running. And it works for storytelling, too.

Inspired by that saying, Liam Boylan-Pett created Løpe Magazine, named after the Norwegian word for ‚run‘. The publication tells in-depth running stories in print and online. And now the best pieces of Løpe Magazine have been compiled in a special publication, entitled ‚Hurry Slowly‚. Each purchase of the book includes a one-year subscription to the Løpe Magazine website.

Available from Løpe Magazine


bookLike The Wind magazine

The world turned upside down during 202, but runners learned to adapt. Our sport has become less about clocking up the kilometres and racking up the PBs – instead, we’re asking ourselves where running can take us, whether that’s mentally, geographically, environmentally or politically. All of these themes are explored in issue 26 of Like the Wind.

Each edition of Like the Wind magazine is a collection of running stories. There are personal anecdotes, inspirational tales, reportage, beautiful illustrations and stunning photography over 116 pages printed on sumptuous, matte paper. The magazine launched in February 2014 and new editions are published every quarter.

You can buy single issues from their website. Or take out a subscription and the latest edition will arrive with a limited edition supplement.

Available from Like The Wind


bookLong Distance

In 2020, the outside world came inside and Long Distance was born.

Featuring 28 cities and 34 stories, this 176-page publication is a collection of stories and photographs, told and taken from runners across the world during the pandemic.

Available from Long Distance


Quelle: World Athletics


author: GRR