
City Pier City 2019 canceled - Logo: Organisers

45. CPC (City Pier City) Loop Den Haag (Halbmarathon) am 10. März 2019: Veranstaltung wegen Sturmwarnung abgesagt – Helmut Winter berichtet

By GRR 0

Wegen einer Sturmwarnung musste die 45. Ausgabe des NN CPC Loop Den Haag abgesagt werden.

Nachfolgend die Statements der Organisatoren auf der Webseite der Veranstaltung.

The NN CPC Loop Den Haag has been canceled!

The  has been canceled! While running under these extreme weather conditions, we can’t guarantee the safety of 41,000 participants. There is too much and too strong wind, wind force 7 and some wind gusts up to 100 km per hour. In combination with very bad weather and a low temperature there is an irresponsible situation at the Malieveld and the course. We regret this as much as you, because we were also looking forward to this 45th edition of the NN CPC Loop Den Haag. After consultation with the mayor and emergency and security services we decided to canceled the NN CPC Loop Den Haag.

A setback for everyone who is looking forward to it, but the safety of the runners, volunteers, spectators and other people involved is our main priority.

Helmut Winter

author: GRR