
Erste AIMS Asia-Pacific Conference am 12./13. Juni 2015 in Penang, Malaysia im Zusammenhang mit dem Penang Bridge Half Marathon ©AIMS Asia-Pacific Conference

Erste AIMS Asia-Pacific Conference am 12./13. Juni 2015 in Penang, Malaysia im Zusammenhang mit dem Penang Bridge Half Marathon

By GRR 0

AIMS (Association of International Marathon und Distance Races) hält vom 12./13. Juni 2015 im Olive Tree Hotel in Penang, Malaysia die Erste AIMS Asia-Pacific Conference ab.

Online-Petition "Stoppt die DLV-Laufmaut"

Gastgeber ist der Penang Bridge Half Marathon. Das ist die erste Konferenz ihrer Art in Asien und Ozeanien.

Auf der Konferenz werden Referenten und Experten aus dem Laufbereich spreechen und diskutieren, um die Kollegen aus diesem Teil der Welt von ihren Einsichten und Möglichkeiten der Vernetzung zu informieren und mit der globalen Laufbewegung zu verbinden.

Die Sprecher der Konferenz sind: 

Carlo Capalbo vom Prag Marathon, Mark Milde vom BERLIN-MARATHON, Andrea Eby vom Vancouver Marathon, Tetsuya Okamura vom Toyohashi Half-Marathon and Tadaaki Hayano vom Tokyo Marathon sein.

AIMS möchte mit dieser Konferenz in Asien die Verbindungen zu Läufen in dieser Region verstärken und die Erfahrungen der Veranstalter untereinander vernetzen und verbessern.

Elf Veranstaltungen aus Deutschland, fünf Läufe aus Österreich und sieben Veranstaltungen aus der Schweiz sind Mitglied bei AIMS.

AIMS hat inzwischen 380 Veranstaltungen aus über 100 Ländern und Territorien als Mitglied.

Horst Milde

Die Sprecher der AIMS Konferenz in Penang:

Carlo Capalbo A

Carlo Capalbo

Carlo Capalbo, holder of a couple of degrees from universities in Europe and US, is the founder of Prague International Marathon spol s.r.o. (PIM) and Tempo Team Prague. PIM is the organizer of the Prague Marathon, Prague Half Marathon and Prague Grand Prix.

Carlo also organized the first Olomouc Half Marathon which leads to RunCzech Running League – recipient of seven IAAF Road Race Label awards for its seven races.

A book writer, a lecturer and the founder of magazine “Progetto Republica Ceca”, Carlo also act as a consultant for marathons in Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen, Dapeng, and more.

In 2013, a unique center of running – the Running Mall – was opened in Prague, which became an example to be followed by other world race organizers.

Andrea Eby-

Andrea Eby

Andrea Eby is a marketing executive with 20+ years experience in organizing and promoting international sports events

Andrea is a longstanding Director of the Vancouver International Marathon Society (AIMS member since 1982).Andrea’s additional event work includes: Vancouver Organizing Committee 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, World Indoor Track and Field Championships, Nagano Winter Olympics Bidding Committee, and Ironman Japan.

Andrea was born in Slovakia and educated in Canada holding a Masters in Sport Administration.  Andrea currently teaches at Capilano University and is an industry consultant in the areas of; governance, strategy, research, marketing, sponsorships.  Andrea is involved at the community level as a group fitness/ spin instructor and recreational runner.


Mark Milde

Mark Milde, born on the 1st of July 1973, is a master degree holder in Business Administration, a runner and a triathlete.Since a small kid Mark was involved in organizing running events. His father Horst Milde founded the BERLIN-MARATHON and other races. Mark helped to stage these running events and worked in every possible area.

As he grew with the events he became Assistant to the Race Director and took over the position Race Director in 2004. Not only since then Berlin is one of the industry leaders and he was instrumental in establishing Berlin as the fastest marathon in the world.

He is a  Co-Founder of the World Marathon Majors. In 2012 Mark was elected to the board of AIMS.

【Photo】Tetsuya Okamura

Tetsuya Okamura

Tetsuya Okamura is currently the Associate Director of Sport Division in Chunichi Shimbun Co., Ltd. (Newspaper Company), Executive Producer of Nagoya Women’s Marathon, and the Executive Producer of Takahashi Naoko Cup/ Gifu Half-Marathon Race.  

Besides, Tetsuya has conducted various sport events including “Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament”, and “Toyohashi Half-Marathon”.Tetsuya has a background in social science and environmental science where he completed his ph.D. in year 2010 in Nagoya University, Japan.  He is currently teaching “Mass Communication” and “Event Production” at Chukyo University.

Tadaaki Hayano_headshot--

Tadaaki Hayano

Tadaaki Hayano is currently the Tokyo Marathon Foundation Race Director and COO since 2010, then he became the Race Director and CSO since 2013.  

Before that, Tad has been the Public Relations Manager of Tokyo Marathon and a Manager at ASICS Corporation (Boulder Office).Tad obtained his 1st degree from School of  Health and Physical Education, University of Tsukuba, and a 2nd degree from Graduate schools of University of Colorado Boulder Kinesiology Dept.

Click HERE to register AIMS Asia Pacific Conference 2015.

Conference Programme

AIMS Asia Pacific Conference

12-13 June 2015 | St Giles Wembley – Premier Hotel, Penang, Malaysia

| Theme: Global Unity through Running |

Day 1: 12 June 2015 (Friday) | 3.30pm – 5.00pm

9.00am – 3.00pm – Delegates Arrival and Registration

Opening Ceremony

3.30pm – Welcome by Mr Dave Cundy, Organising Chairman of Asia Pacific AIMS Conference

3.35pm – Welcome by Mr Paco Borao, President of AIMS

3.40pm – Welcome by YAB Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang

Symposium 1: Towards World Class Marathon

4.00pm – Tips on what’s required to achieve an IAAF Road Race Label by Carlo Capalbo, founder and race director of Prague International Marathon

5.00pm – Q&A

7.00pm – Welcome Reception  {Venue: St.Jo’s , Gurney Paragon} *Shuttle will be provided.

Day 2: 13 June 2015 (Saturday) | 9.00am – 4.00pm

Symposium 2: Marketing & Promotion Strategies

9.00am – Social Media for Running Events by Andrea Eby, director of Vancouver International Marathon

9.45am – Prague International Marathon (PIM) Running Centre by Carlo Capalbo, founder and race director of Prague International Marathon

10.30am – Tea Break/ Networking Session

11.00am – Breakout Session

12.00am – Reports Presentation from Breakout Session

12.30pm – Lunch

Symposium 3: Future Growth of Running Events in Asia Pacific

2.00pm – Designing the world’s fastest course by Mark Milde , race director of Berlin Marathon

2.30pm – Tea Break/ Networking Session

3.30pm – Running in Japan – The Successful Shift from Elite to Mass Participation Races by Tadaaki Hayano , race director of Tokyo Marathon & Tetsuya Okamura, race director of Nagoya Women’s Marathon

3.45pm – Closing remark by Mr Paco Borao, President of AIMS

4.00pm – End

Day 3 : Race Day 14 June 2015 (Sunday) | 4.30am – 11.00am

4.30am – Penang Bridge Half Marathon 2015 

7.00pm – Penang Bridge Half Marathon Gala Dinner    

                    {Venue:St.Giles Wembley-Premier Hotel)

Penang Bridge half Marathon

Hier die Online-Petition zum Unterstützen gegen die DLV-LAUFMAUT: 

Online-Petition "Stoppt die DLV-Laufmaut"

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German Road Races e.V. (GRR) auf twitter: 

author: GRR


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