Athens Marathon - ©Horst Milde
Einladung zum AIMS Symposium am 11. November 2017, zur AIMS-Gala und zu allen Veranstaltungen vom 10. bis 12. November 2017 in Athen und Marathon
Wie Sie bereits wissen, hat AIMS (Association of International Marathons and Distances Races) in Zusammenarbeit mit der IAAF, der Stadt Marathon und SEGAS (dem griechischen Leichtathletik-Verband) das jährliche internationale "AIMS Marathon Symposium" ins Leben gerufen, das jedes Jahr in Athen stattfindet.
Das Symposium findet einen Tag vor dem jährlichen Marathon statt, der auf der Ursprungsstrecke von Marathon nach Athen, der jetzt "Athens Marathon. The Authentic" (früher Athens Classic Marathon) genannt wird, verläuft
Ziel dieses jährlich stattfindenden internationalen AIMS Marathon Symposiums ist es, eine enge Zusammenarbeit und einen Meinungsaustausch zu Themen von beiderseitigem Interesse zu fördern, die den Organisatoren helfen soll ihre Rennen ständig zu verbessern.
Die Organisation eines jährlichen Symposiums am Geburtsort des Marathons hat neben der Diskussion aktueller Fragen bezüglich der Organisation eines erfolgreichen Marathon-Events auch eine bedeutende Symbolik in Bezug auf Weltfrieden, die olympischen Ideale und Fair Play.
Am 11. November 2017 findet das "11. AIMS Marathon Symposium" statt unter dem Titel "Entwicklung Ihres Rennens durch die Entwicklung des Laufangebotes in Ihrer Region".
Zusätzlich zu den Symposium Sitzungen sind alle Teilnehmer des Symposiums zu allen Veranstaltungen vom 10. bis 12. November 2017 eingeladen:
Die AIMS Best Marathon Runner Gala (am Freitagabend, 10. November, bitte hier klicken here), die ERGO Marathon EXPO, der Athener Marathon Eröffnungszeremonien & Entzünden der Marathonflamme an der historischen Stätte des Grabes von Marathon, sowie Start und Ziel des authentischen Marathonlaufs, der am Sonntagmorgen, dem 12. November 2017 stattfindet.
Zu Ihrer Information finden Sie here den ersten Entwurf des "2017 AIMS & AMA 5-Tages-Zeitplans".
Das AIMS Marathon Symposium Organisationskomitee bietet B & B-Unterkunft für 3 Nächte kostenlos an einen Teilnehmer pro Rennen (unabhängig davon, ob sie Mitglieder von AIMS sind oder nicht).
Lesen Sie bitte hier die Einladung im Original und weitere Einzelheiten der Organisation im Detail:
Horst Milde
The "11th AIMS Marathon Symposium" on 11 November 2017 – "Athens Marathon. The Authentic" on Sunday morning, Nov. 12th.
The AIMS Best Marathon Runner Gala (on Friday evening, Nov. 10th), the ERGO Marathon EXPO, the Athens Marathon Opening Ceremonies & Marathon Flame Lighting at the archaeological site of Marathon Tomb, as well as the start and finish of the Authentic Marathon race, to be held on Sunday morning, Nov. 12th.
Dear Friends,
As you are already aware, since 2007, AIMS – in collaboration with IAAF, the City of Marathon and SEGAS (the Hellenic Athletics Federation) – has established the annual international "AIMS Marathon Symposium" which is held every year in Athens-Greece, the day before the annual Marathon race held on the original Marathon course, called since this year "Athens Marathon. The Authentic" (previously Athens Classic Marathon).
The aim of this annual international event, the AIMS Marathon Symposium, is to encourage close co-operation and exchange of views on issues of mutual interest which will assist organisers in their constant efforts to improve their races.
The organization of an annual Symposium at the birthplace of the Marathon, besides discussing current issues regarding the organisation of a successful Marathon event, also raises significant symbolism related to World Peace, Olympic Ideals and Fair Play.
The "11thAIMS Marathon Symposium" will be held on 11 November 2017, under the title: "Developing your race through the development of the running market in your region".
During the Symposium, 4 major speakers and other round table participants will present to and discuss with the audience various themes related to the main topic, aiming to offer useful ideas, solutions and practises to race organisers and city or sport authorities involved.
For your information, the first draft of the "AIMS Symposium 2017 – Detailed Sessions Program V1" can be found here, while the full list of the speakers' names will be completed and announced within the next few weeks.
In addition to the Symposium sessions, all Symposium participants are invited to attend all events taking place from 10 to 12 of November 2017: the AIMS Best Marathon Runner Gala (on Friday evening, Nov. 10th, please click here), the ERGO Marathon EXPO, the Athens Marathon Opening Ceremonies & Marathon Flame Lighting at the archaeological site of Marathon Tomb, as well as the start and finish of the Authentic Marathon race, to be held on Sunday morning, Nov. 12th.
For your information, you may find the first draft of the "2017 AIMS & AMA 5-Day Schedule" here.
The AIMS Marathon Symposium Organising Committee offers B&B accommodation for 3 nights, free-of-charge to one participant per race (regardless of whether they are members of AIMS).
Delegates will be met at Athens Airport and local transportation will be provided. Race organisers interested in participating in this Symposium may be represented by more than one delegate if they bear the cost, as described in the attached Symposium Information sheet ("AIMS Marathon Symposium 2017 – General Info" please click here).
Finally, you may also find attached the "AIMS Marathon Symposium 2017 – Application Form please click here" which you are kindly asked to fill in and send it back to the Symposium Secretariat, at the latest by October 1st, 2017.
You may print the application document, fill in the appropriate information and send it by fax, or you may just use the attached document, fill it in electronically and send it by email. Applications will be accepted in order of precedence.
For any further information or clarification needed, you may contact the AIMS Marathon Symposium Secretariat:
Tel: +30 210 9331113 / 9315886 – Fax: + 30 210 9331152
We always remain at your disposal,
The AIMS Marathon Symposium Organizing Committee