ASICS Stockholm Marathon am Sonnabend, dem 3. Juni 2017. ©ASICS Stockholm Marathon
Asics Stockholm Marathon am 3. Juni 2017: Yuki Kawauchi will den Streckenrekord – Helmut Winter berichtet
Die Verbesserung des Streckenrekords ist das erklärte Ziel des Elitefeldes der Männer beim ASICS Stockholm Marathon, der am morgigen Samstag um 12 Uhr gestartet wird.
Mit der Startnummer „1“ geht das japanische Lauf-Unikum Yuki Kawauchi an den Start, für den dieser Lauf ein weiterer (Härte-)Test im Rahmen seiner Vorbereitungen auf den WM-Marathon in London im August darstellt.
Im letzten Jahr wurde nach einigen Änderungen im Streckenverlauf der Streckenrekord auf 2:10:58 gesteigert, diese Zeit haben bereits fünf Männer im Feld unterboten.
Yuki Kawauchi geht beim Stockholm Marathon mit der Startnummer „1“ an den Start. (c) H. Winter
Kawauchi absolviert aktuell bis zur WM in London Marathon-Starts im Monatstakt. Nach Daegu im April und Prag Anfang Mai (mit Sturz und 2:10:13) folgt nun Stockholm und Anfang Juli der Marathon an der australischen Gold Coast. Yukis Bestzeit lief er 2013 mit 2:08:14 beim Seoul Marathon.
Seine größter Konkurrent um den Sieg dürfte Shumi Dechase (BRN) sein, der mittlerweile für Bahrain startet und 2014 in Hamburg 2:06:43 lief. Ein Jahr später schaffte er in Tokyo noch einmal 2:07:20 und bei der WM 2015 in Beijing belegte er Platz 5, danach hat er keinen Marathon mehr bis ins Ziel gelaufen.
Weitere Anwärter auf vordere Platzierungen sind John Kemboi (KEN), der 2:08:56 im Jahr 2015 beim Frankfurt Marathon lief. Im letzten Jahr gab er beim Marathon an der Gold Coast auf, bei dem Kawauchi sich mit Kenneth Mungara ein spannendes Rennen um den Sieg lieferte und knapp geschlagen in 2:09:01 Zweiter wurde. Samuel Getachew (ETH) ereichte im Frühjahr in Rabat 2:09:44, Samuel Maswai (KEN) beim Berlin-Marathon 2014 2:10:18 und Abdellatif Meftah (FRA) 2:11:11 beim Paris Marathon 2015.
Somit verspricht der Lauf bei den Männern durch die schwedische Hauptstadt vielleicht keinen sehr schnellen, aber einen spannenden Verlauf zu nehmen.
Bei den Frauen sind Belaynesh Shifera (ETH) mit einer Bestzeit von 2:31:08 vom Barcelona Marathon im Jahr 2015, Alice Kibor (KEN), die im Frühjahr in Marrakech 2:32:28 lief, sowie Sanaa Achahbar (MAR) mit 2:32:36 gleichfalls in Marrakech die aussichtsreichsten Anwärterinnen auf die Plätze auf dem Podium.
Liste der Eliteläufer: | |||
1 | Yuki Kawauchi | 87 | JPN |
2 | Shumi Dechasa | 89 | BRN |
3 | Fikadu Girma | 93 | ETH |
5 | Samuel Maswai | 88 | KEN |
6 | Mike Mutai | 87 | KEN |
7 | Ronny Kiboss | 93 | KEN |
8 | John Kemboi Cheruiyot | 90 | KEN |
10 | Michael Kipyego | 83 | KEN |
11 | Daniel Komen Kipchirchir | 84 | KEN |
12 | Gezahegn Alemuyehu | 87 | ETH |
13 | Samuel Kalalei | KEN | |
14 | Eric Kering | KEN | |
16 | Abdellatif Meftah | 82 | FRA |
17 | Daniel Yator | 88 | KEN |
19 | Japhet Kipkorir | 81 | KEN |
20 | Samuel Getachew | 86 | ETH |
Liste der Eliteläuferinnen: | |||
101 | Alice Kibor | 92 | KEN |
103 | Konjit Tilahun | 87 | ETH |
104 | Balaynesh Shifera | 88 | ETH |
105 | Yoshiko Sakamoto | JPN | |
106 | Marthe Katrine Myhre | 85 | NOR |
107 | Annmari Kiekara | 77 | FIN |
108 | Katalin Ferenc | HUN | |
109 | Tiruwork Mekonen | 86 | ETH |
110 | Lisa Ring | 93 | SWE |
Helmut Winter
Bis 2016 hatte der ASICS Stockholm Marathon auch eine website in deutscher Sprache. Diese Website war in der Qualität hoch professionell und eine der besten, die man überhaupt finden konnte. In diesem Jahr findet auf der deutschen Website dieses Laufes leider diesen Hinweis:
"Wir bitten Sie unsere englische Website zu besuchen"
ASICS Stockholm Marathon aktualisiert nicht mehr diese deutsche Website. Wir bitten Sie unsere englische Website zu besuchen – dort finden Sie alle Informationen über das Rennen und wie Sie sich anmelden können. Herzlich willkommen!
Die englische Website finden Sie im folgenden:
Horst Milde
ASICS Stockholm Marathon on Saturday 3 June 2017.
The 39th ASICS Stockholm Marathon will take place on Saturday 3 June 2017. It will be an exciting race in a beautiful city with runners from all over the world. This is one of the major sporting events in Sweden with hundreds of thousands of spectators along the route cheering the participants.
At the finish, in the classical 1912 Olympic Stadium, enthusiastic fans greet the runners.
The Marathon Expo, the Pasta Party and the Post Race Celebration are traditional parts of the event, bringing all the runners together in a joyful atmosphere.
With almost 7,000 international runners from more than 100 countries, the ASICS Stockholm Marathon is also a multicultural festival.
We welcome you to the most popular event in one of the world's most beautiful capitals!
Here is information about the marathon and how to enter.
A city of contrasts
Welcome to Stockholm and one of the world's most beautiful capitals. Built on 14 islands around one of Europe's largest and best-preserved medieval city centres, the Swedish capital is superbly positioned, with stunning and extremely varied scenery in every direction.
Just outside the city, the archipelago of 24,000 islands is waiting to be explored.
The Capital of Sweden is a city of contrasts – water and islands, history and innovation, small town and big city, long light summer nights and short winter days.
Thanks to the city´s compact size, you can see and do most things in a short space of time – which makes it a perfect destination for city breaks or longer stays.
Stockholm is one third water, one third green belt and one third city.
The island of Djurgården, the world´s first National City Park, is only a short walk from the inner city.
Information about Stockholm: www.visitstockholm.com
Register here
It pays to enter early. See our price table below for further information on the various fees which apply up until the race on 3 June 2017.
Register and pay by credit card here >>
The average temperature in Stockholm during the first week of June is 18° C, equal to 64 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity is around 50 per cent.
Start at 12:00
The race starts at 12:00 on "Lidingövägen", the road just outside the Olympic Stadium. The runners will be divided into two groups that start at 10 minute intervals.
Scenic Course
The course is basically two laps through the central parts of Stockholm. The surroundings vary from the woods of the royal park "Djurgården" to the streets of a big city.
The course passes buildings such as the Royal Palace, the City Hall, the Royal Opera and the Houses of Parliament.
The course is one of the most scenic in the world.
Much of the race is run along beautiful waterfronts. When crossing the "Västerbron" bridge, the runners will enjoy a fantastic view over a city with buildings ranging in age from the medieval times to the present day. The difference in altitude between the highest and the lowest point of the course is 29 metres.
Finish in the 1912 Olympic Stadium
The race will finish in the beautiful stadium built for the 1912 Olympic Games. The Olympic Stadium has been the site of numerous memorable athletic performances, with no less than 83 world records in track and field. There is no other arena anywhere in the world that comes close to that number. The 1912 Stockholm Olympic Stadium is truly a classic venue for athletics.
Timing System
We use the Champion Chip timing system that will record your net time.
Intermediate times will be recorded at 5, 10, 15, 20, 21.1, 25, 30, 35 and 40 kilometres.
Maximum running time
The maximum running time is 6 hours.
Minimum age
Minimum age is 18 years (born 1999 or earlier).
Age categories
The ASICS Stockholm Marathon includes the following age categories for men and women: Open, 40-44 years, 45-49 years, 50-54 years, 55-59 years, 60-64 years and over 65 years.
Pace runners
If you want help to keep an even pace during the ASICS Stockholm Marathon, you can join one of the pace groups. There will be 11 pace groups from 3 hours to 5 hours 30 minutes.
Pasta Party
All runners are invited to the Pasta Party on Friday 2 June.
Post Race Service
After the race all runners are offered water, soft drinks, coffee, snacks, fruit, hot dogs, recovery drinks, etc.
There will also be a massage service for tired muscles.
Medal and T-shirt
All runners who finish will receive an exclusive commemorative medal and the 2017 ASICS Stockholm Marathon finisher´s T-shirt.
Race centre
The entire start and finish area is situated close to the Olympic Stadium.
You pick up your number bib, enjoy the ZETA Pasta Party, prepare for the start and join your friends or family after the race, all within a few minutes´ walk from the Olympic Stadium.
Start list
Within three days of registering your name will appear on the start list.
Official 2017 training T-shirt
The official 2017 ASICS Stockholm Marathon training T-shirt is for sale to all runners who enter the race. The T-shirt is dark blue with the words "I am training for 2017 ASICS Stockholm Marathon" in English and Swedish printed in green.
The T-shirt costs 31 Euro, including postage.
The T-shirt is available in the following sizes: men S-XXL, women S-XL.
The T-shirt is produced by ASICS. It will be sent to you by post when we receive your entry.
Strollers, cycles, etc not permitted
Participation on, or with, any device on wheels is not permitted in ASICS Stockholm Marathon (with the exception of authorised wheelchairs , but not armcycle wheelchairs, which are registered in the wheelchair category). This includes, for example, cycles, strollers, baby joggers, joelettes, roller skates roller skis, inline skates and skateboards.
Our office is open all year round. If you need further information please contact us.
E-mail: info@StockholmMarathon.se
Phone: +46 8 545 66 440.
The ASICS Stockholm Marathon is sanctioned by the Swedish Athletic Association and by AIMS (Association of International Marathons).
Organisers: Running clubs Hässelby SK and Spårvägens FK.
Title Sponsor: ASICS.
Welcome to the 2017 ASICS Stockholm Marathon!
Source: ASICS Stockholm Marathon