
Das Sportmuseum Berlin - AIMS Marathon Museum of Running - wird in Athen, wie schon zum Kongress in Xiamen/China 2007 - mit einer Ausstellung vertreten sein.

AIMS – 18th World Congress of AIMS in Athen/Griechenland – Das 4. AIMS-IAAF Marathon Symposium am 30. Oktober in Marathon – Der 28. Athens Classic Marathon findet am 31. Oktober statt – 2500 Jahre MARATHON

By GRR 0

Der 18. Welt-Kongress von AIMS (Association of International Marathon and Distace Races) findet vom 28. – 30. Oktober 2010 in Athen statt. Eine Woche lang vom 25. Oktober an gibt es ein vollgepacktes Programm. Das AIMS Board tagt vom 26. – 27. Oktober – danach folgt der 18. AIMS Welt-Kongress vom 28. -29. Oktober gefolgt von einer feierlichen Zeremonie zum 2500-jährigen Jubiläum der Schlacht von Marathon.

Das 4. AIMS-IAAF Marathon Symposium findet am 30. Oktober statt, am Sonntag, dem 31. Oktober wird dann der 28. Athens Classic Marathon in Marathon gestartet.

Der Athens Classic Marathon hat mit 12.500 Teilnehmern eine Rekordbeteiligung gefunden, zudem kommen noch Läufe über 5 km und 10 km Läufe hinzu, sowie Jugendläufe zur Durchführung. Alle Läufe haben ihr Ziel im alten Olympiastadion von 1896.

Beim 18. AIMS Weltkongress wird es zu einer Wachablösung im Board of Directors kommen. Der langjährige japanische Präsident Hiroaki Chosa (seit 1983 im Board of Directors) wird sein Amt niederlegen, Paco Francisco Baroa (Valencia) wird sein möglicher Nachfolger.

Das Sportmuseum Berlin – AIMS Marathon Museum of Running – wird in Athen, wie schon zum Kongress in Xiamen/China 2007 – mit einer Ausstellung vertreten sein.

AIMS gehören zehn deutsche Läufe an: Berlin-Marathon, Berliner Halbmarathon, Berlin läuft … 25 km, Frankfurt Marathon, Köln Marathon, Würzburg Marathon, Karstadt Marathon, Hamburg Marathon,  Düsseldorf Marathon und München Marathon.

Aus der Schweiz gehören zu AIMS: Genf Marathon, Jungfrau Marathon, Lausanne Marathon, Luzern Marathon, Neujahrsmarathon Zürich, Swiss Alpine Marathon, Zermatt Marathon und der Zürich Marathon.  Aus Österreich: Dreiländer Marathon Wien Marathon und Wachau Marathon.

Horst Milde


Das AIMS Programm im Original:


The 18th World Congress of AIMS will take place in Athens from 28-30 October 2010. Athens hosts an action-packed week from 25 October: The AIMS Board meets there on the 26/27 October, and then the 18th World Congress of AIMS takes place from 28-29 October, followed that evening by a celebratory event marking the 2500th anniversary of the legend of Marathon.

The 4th AIMS-IAAF Marathon Symposium takes place on 30 October, and the Athens Classic Marathon is run on 31 October.



Divani Caravel Hotel

Arrival of AIMS Board Members


Divani Caravel Hotel
09.00-18.00: AIMS Board Meeting


Divani Caravel Hotel
09.00-18.00: AIMS E Board Meeting
Arrival of AIMS Congress Delegates
Arrivals of the VIP Guests for the Celebration of the 2,500 Years Anniversary

Athens City Centre
20.30-22.30: Official Dinner for the AIMS Board offered by SEGAS President

THURSDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2010 (National Holiday)

Divani Caravel Hotel
09.00-13.00: 18th AIMS World Congress (1st Day — Reports & Workshops)

09:00: Welcome by Kostas Panagopoulos, Chairman of the Congress of AIMS O.C.

09:05: Welcome by Vassilis Sevastis, President of the Hellenic Athletics Association

09:10: Welcome and Official Congress Opening by Pavlos Geroulanos, Minister of Culture & Tourism

09:15: Opening speech by Hiroaki Chosa, President of AIMS

09:30: AIMS Progress report by Paco Borao, Vice President of AIMS

09:50: AIMS Museum report by John Kunkeler

10:00: AIMS Children's Series report by Martha Morales, Executive Board AIMS

10:10: AIMS Financial Report by Al Boka, Executive Board AIMS

10:20: Presentation for Internet Timing by Bas Van Rens, CEO MyLaps

10:30: Coffee break

10:55: Interactive session designed to share members' experience of “green” policies

11:00: Briefing (prior definition of groups at accreditation)

11:15: Discussion within groups

12:00: General session re-convenes — Discussion groups report (10' each)

12:45: Closure

Zappion Megaro (ACM Registration Center & ACM Marathon EXPO)
13.00: Official Opening of the ATHENS CLASSIC MARATHON EXPO

Athens City Centre
14.30-15.30: Official Lunch for the AIMS Congress Delegates and VIP Guests.

Athens Costal Zone

21.00-23.00: Official Dinner for the AIMS Congress Delegates and VIP Guests offered by SEGAS, the ACM and Congress Organizing Committees (Viva Mare Restaurant)


Divani Caravel Hotel
09.00-1400: 18th AIMS World Congress (2nd Day — Presentations & Elections)

09.00: Presentation of Candidate Venues for 19th World Congress of AIMS (10' each)
(to be held between May 2012 and April 2013, see item below)

10.00: Presentation of candidates for Board positions:

  • AIMS President (currently Hiroaki Chosa, retiring)
  • AIMS Vice President (currently Paco Borao)
  • AIMS Treasurer (currently Al Boka)
  • AIMS Board Members (currently Horst Milde, Martha Morales & Vivek Singh)

10.30: Coffee Break

11.00: Recap of 19th World Congress bids (3' each)

11.25: Voting for venue of 19th World Congress of AIMS

12.00: Voting for Board member positions

12.45: Presidential address — Ceremony/response

13.00: Closure

13.30-14.00: Press Conference of the new AIMS President & Executive Board

Zappion Megaro (ACM Registration Center & ACM Marathon EXPO)

19.30-20.30: Celebration Event on the 2,500 Years Anniversary from the Marathon Battle (open to the public) “The History of the Marathon Movement”

Panathenaikon Stadium in front of the main entrance)
18.00-18.30: Group Photo of the AIMS Congress participants

Athens City Centre

21.00-23.00: Official Dinner for the Congress Delegates and VIP Guests offered by the Minister of Culture & Tourism.


Marathon Town

10.00-11.30: ACM Opening Ceremony — Marathon Flame Lighting Ceremony (Marathon Tomb) — Marathon Flame Torch from the Marathon Tomb to the Marathon Start Venue

11.30-12.00: Lighting of Marathon Flame Cauldron — Opening Ceremony of CISM Marathon World Championship (Marathon Start Venue)

12.00-12.45: Congress Delegates & VIP Guests visit at Marathon Run Museum (Marathon Town Center)

13.00-14.00: Official Lunch for the AIMS Congress Delegates and VIP Guests offered by the Congress Organizing Committee (Marathon Start Venue)

14.00-17.45: 4th AIMS-IAAF Marathon Symposium (Marathon Start Venue)

Divani Caravel Hotel
18.30-20.30: Meeting of IAAF-AIMS Measurement Administrators


Marathon Town — Marathon Start Venue

09.00-17.30: Athens Classic Marathon Race — Power Walking
(It includes the World Military Marathon Race Championships — CISM and the Hellenic National Marathon Race Championships)

Panathenaikon Stadium
09.30-11.00: 5km Road Race

  • Estimated Finish Time of the 1st Winner: 09.45

09.30-11.00: 10km Road Race

  • Estimated Finish Time of the 1st Winner: 10.00

Zeus Ancient Temple
10.40: Start of Special Olympics Hellas Run (1000m)

  • Estimated Finish Time of the 1st Winner: 10.50

Panathenaikon Stadium
10.00-10.25: Medal Awards Ceremony for the Winners in the 5km Road Race
10.50-11.25: Medal Awards Ceremony for the Winners in the 5km Road Race
11.08-11.12: Estimated Finish Time of the 1st Marathon Winner – Men
11.20-11.25: Honorary Awards Ceremony for the Special Olympics Hellas Run
11.35-11.45: Estimated Finish Time of the 1st Marathon Runner – Women

11.40-12.30: Medal Awards Ceremony for the Winners in the Marathon Race
Medal Awards Ceremony for the Winners in the World Military Marathon Race Championships – CISM
Medal Awards Ceremony for the Winners in the Hellenic National Marathon Race Championships – SEGAS

Divani Caravel Hotel

14.00-18.00: IAAF Road Running Commission Meeting

20.30-23.00: Official Farewell Dinner/Party for the AIMS Congress Delegates and VIP Guests

Monday, 1 November

Departure of Congress attendees

Source: AIMS

author: GRR


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