
Československý atlet Emil Zátopek vbíhá jako první (s číslem 903) na stadion v Helsinkách. --- Finland 1952 Olympics, Emil Zatopek, four time Olympic gold medalist winning running race with number 903 at Helsinki Stadium

ZÁTOPEK’S GOLDENE WOCHE – In berühmten Fußstapfen – Pat Butcher

By GRR 0

Genau um 15.30 MEZ am 27. Juli machte sich eine Gruppe von Läufern in der Nähe von  Stromovka, dem Landschaftspark am nördlichen Rand von Prag 7, auf den Weg um metaphorische Spuren zu folgen, eine Hommage an ihren Helden – Emil Zátopek.

Denn vor 64 Jahren, zu diesem Zeitpunkt auf dem gleichen Tag, lief Zátopek aus dem Olympiastadion von Helsinki heraus, um seinen ersten Marathon zu laufen.
Wie alle wissen, gewann er sein Marathondebut in olympischer Rekordzeit, so wie er schon vorher die 10.000 Meter und 5000 Meter in Rekordzeit gewann, mit dem Marathon schloß er seine Goldene Woche ab.
Das schreibt Pat Butcher über Zatopek, ein langjähriger Mitarbeiter von German Road Races und Journalist, der jetzt sein Buch über seinen Helden Emil Zatopek kurz vor den Olympischen Spielen in Rio veröffentlichte.
Zatopek ist Nationalheld und Aushängeschild des Langstreckenlaufes und des Sportes in der Tchechischen Republik.
Horst Milde

Helsinky OH 52 - Emil ZÁTOPEK - maraton

Lesen Sie den vollständigen Beitrag von Pat Butcher von der englischen GRR-Newssite:

ZÁTOPEK’S GOLDEN WEEK – Following in Famous Footsteps – Globe Runner blog » Butcher's Blog – Articles by Pat Butcher

At precisely 3.30pm Central European Time today, July 27, a group of runners will set off around Stromovka, the country park on the northern edge of Prague 7, to follow in the metaphorical footsteps of, while paying homage to their hero – Emil Zátopek.
Because 64 years ago, at that same time on this same day, Zátopek set out from the Olympic stadium in Helsinki, to run his first marathon.
As you all know, he won his debut in an Olympic record time; just as he had set Olympic records in winning the 10,000 metres and 5000 metres earlier, thus completing his golden week.

And that is indeed the title – Zátopek’s Golden Week – of the eight-day celebration in memory of one of the greatest of Olympic champions that has been conducted for close to a decade now in the Czech Republic.

The brainchild of Vlastimil Šroubek, secretary of Plzeň Marathon Club, Zátopek’s three Olympic golds in Helsinki are celebrated with a series of races, run in the same order, on the same date and time of day as he ran them in 1952 – the 10,000 metres on July 20 at 17.45, the 5000 metres on July 24 at 17.50, and the marathon on July 27 at 15.30.

Zátopek’s Golden Week races were inaugurated in 2008 in Plzeň, the home base of the organisers, but in tandem with the London Olympics the races were moved to Prague in 2012, with the track events in the stadium of Slavia Prague, and the culminating Marathon in Stromovka.

While I was researching my book, QUICKSILVER, The Mercurial Emil Zátopek*, Šroubek wrote to me, to say, ‘The idea to organize this series first occurred to me in autumn 2007. Emil Zátopek is and always has been my idol, because he could manage something what nobody else could ever do. The main goal is to remind the young generation that Emil Zátopek won gold on precisely those days and at those times; and to remind that we had the best long-distance runner of all-time on this planet, who had a strong will, tremendous endurance, to win in just one week (eight days), three Olympic gold medals, and every time an Olympic record, which no one will ever do anymore.

‘This success was also enhanced by the victory of Mrs. Dana Zátopková, which was also a new Olympic record, immediately after the victory of Emil Zátopek in running the 5,000m. Husband and wife Zátopek thus became the most successful married couple of Olympic Games. This series is also organized thanks to Mrs Dana Zátopková. I strongly believe that the series will continue in the coming years and will grow, with the hope that one day maybe there will appear a ‘new Emil Zátopek’.

Unfortunately, the chances of that happening anytime soon are not high. Zátopek emerged from a society with no tradition whatsoever of long distance running. And when he retired, the situation more or less returned to normal. Of course, the Czech records for his events have improved in the 50 odd years since he retired, although the track record for the rarely run 25,000 metres is still his. But mulling over his races and records one evening, I wondered how they compared with the current bests in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (separate countries since 1992).

The sorry story I uncovered was that in his classic distances, 5000 and 10,000 metres, the fastest men in 2015 were, respectively, eighteen seconds and one minute sixteen seconds slower than the Zátopek of 1954!

Pat Butchers BLOG

* QUICKSILVER, The Mercurial Emil Zátopek is available from:

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