
14. Juli 2012 : Jubiläums-Marathon 1912 bis 2012 - Samstag 14. Juli 2012 ist der 100. Jahrestag des Marathonlaufs der Olympischen Sommerspiele in Stockholm. ©JUBILEE MARATHON STOCKHOLM

Stockholm – 14 Juli 2012: Jubilee Marathon 1912 – 2012 Samstag, 14. Juli 2012 – JUBILEE MARATHON STOCKHOLM

By GRR 0

14. Juli 2012 : Jubiläums-Marathon 1912 bis 2012 –  Samstag 14. Juli 2012 ist der 100. Jahrestag des Marathonlaufs der Olympischen Sommerspiele in Stockholm.

Wir feiern dieses Jubiläum mit dem Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912–2012, ein besonderes Rennen, das die Route des Rennens 1912 des Olympischen Marathon folgen wird




You can still register for this historic race

The interest in the Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912–2012 has been great. By 4 August 8,153 runners from 58 countries had registered and the registration was closed.
You can however still register for this historic race. 1,600 places in the marathon are reserved for the official travel agencies.
List of official travel agencies >>



Marathon Day – the big day during the 1912 Olympic Games
Saturday the 14th July was the big day during the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm. Just as in London 1908 and Athens 1906, it was the marathon which captured the public’s interest.
For the organisers who prepared for this race for over two years, the weather was the worst imaginable, blue sky, sun and more than 30 degrees in the shade.


Watch the film from the 1912 Olympic Marathon
For the first time ever, you can see film on the internet from the 1912 Olympic Marathon. This unique film sequence is 4 minutes long.
Click here to watch the film. >>

The 1912 Olympic Games – see slide show
See 40 interesting photos from the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm and from the newly built Olympic Stadium.
Slide show >>


A tour of the 1912 Olympic Marathon course
Work on the Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912–2012 began in earnest in November 2009 when a group from the Stockholm Marathon office together with several other relevant individuals studied the proposed course.


The Jubilee Marathon Souvenir Shop
Souvenir t-shirts and competition vest are on sale in our Souvenir Shop:
• Competition vest that is a replica of the vest which the Swedish runners wore at the 1912 Olympic Games. Price: 23 EUR.
• White technical fabric training t-shirt. Price: 25 EUR.
To the Souvenir Shop >>


Jubileumsmarathon Stockholm 1912–2012.

E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)8-545 664 40, Fax: +46 (0)8-664 38 22
Address: Stockholm Marathon, Box 15124, SE-167 15 Bromma, Sweden

author: GRR


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