
POLISH RUNNING FESTIVAL – Treffen mit Karim Mosta – einer der besten Ultramarathonläufer der Welt, der König von Brasilien – am 5. Juni 2010

By GRR 0

Er lief durch die meisten Wüsten der Welt. Blind von der Sonne in Algerien, gestochen von Skorpionen in brasilianischen Dschungel, oft hatte Karim seine Knie gebeugt – aber nichts konnte seinen Durchhaltewillen beugen.

Karim Mosta ist einer der besten Ultramarathonläufer der Welt, der König von Brasilien – der Sieger der Running Adventure Race Brasil  (190 km).

Karim nahm an 141 Läufen teil. Er  lief 22-mal den Marathon des Sables, das bedeutet, daß er 4mal den Globus umrundete, er lief im Himalaya in der höhe von 5200 m, er lief im Death Valley, dem heißesten Ort auf der Wel.

"Das Gefühl der Anstrengungen und sich den eigenen Grenzen zu nähern" heißt der Vortrag von Karim Mosta am 5. Juni 2010 von 13:10 – 13.50 Uhr Stary Dom Zdrojowy (in French/ Polish).


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List of career achievements by Karim Mosta

Karim Mosta, a 7 time winner of the Marathon des Sables,  1st Cuba, 3rd Wall of China; 2. THAILAND; 3rd Raid of Mont Blanc (France); 1st Raid of the Trolls (NORWAY); 3rd Trophy of the Nile; 1st Raid of Colorado (the USA); 3rd Raid of the Pacific (Tahiti); 1st Raid Amazonia; 1st Marathon Ouagadougou; 3rd 50km of Colorado; 1st Raid of the Trappers (Canada); 1st Transcappadoce (Turkey); 2nd Super Marathon Australia; 1st Super Marathon of Vietnam; 5th 50km Portugal; 5th Super Marathon Mali (Africa); 5th 333km Mauritania; 1st TransSINAÏ (Egypt);

1st mixed Team Défi Pares (Mauritius); 2nd Road Kings (Jordan); 2nd Safari of Kenya; 6th TransMexicaine; 4th Raid of the Verdon; 6th Challenge of LOISANS; 4th Great race of the Himalayas; 2nd Turn of the World 1996; 6th Road of silk (China); 2nd Ten Commands (Egypt);

1st Great Mexican Adventure; 3rd Guadarun (Guadeloupe);13th Raid 91 (the Essonne); 6th Desert Libya Marathon; 1st TransOasis (Tunisia); 1st by team and 7th with the General Jordan Cup; 3rd Raid Celtic (Ireland); 3rd Totem Pole Race the USA; 5th Super Marathon of Were worth (Swiss); 8th Boa Vista Marathon Cape Vert; 10th TransMarathon Italy of the South; 4th in Marrakech Trophy (Morocco); 8th 100km of Saint-Vit (France) 2éme with the raid with the raid of the Andes ' (Colombia, Peru, Ecuador); 1st of Cubanita (Cuba);

1st of jungle Marathon (Brazil); 2nd Roma No Limit Italy 2004; 3rd Corsica raid (Corsica) the 2004; 1st Rajasthan (India) 2005; 2 times Comerades (South Africa) Diagonal of Insane (the Meeting) Spartathlon (Greece); Super Marathon of Peru; 3 times the Marathon of New York, Dublin, Oslo, Soweto, Paris, Buenos Aires; Victorious of the world cup the ultra one – Marathon 1994 and 1995.

The Running Festival of the Economic Forum

author: GRR


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