
Alemayehu Bezabeh ©EAA - European Athletics

FLASH: Alemayehu Bezabeh und Sophie Duarte gewinnen Crosslauf-Europameistertitel in Belgrad

By GRR 0

FLASH: Der Spanier Alemayehu Bezabeh und die Französin Sophie Duarte sind die neuen Crosslauf-Europameister. Bei kalter Witterung in Belgrad belegten im 10-km-Männerrennen hinter Bezabeh, der nach 29:11 Minuten im Ziel war, Polat Kemboi Arikan (Türkei/29:32) und Andy Vernon (Großbritannien/29:35) die Ränge zwei und drei.

Als bester deutscher Läufer überraschte Richard Ringer (VfB LC Friedrichshafen) auf Rang sieben mit 29:49.

Im 8-km-Rennen der Frauen siegte Sophie Duarte souverän in 26:34 Minuten vor Gemma Steel (Großbritannien/26:39) und Ana Dulce Felix (Portugal/26:41). Titelverteidigerin Fionnuala Britton war nicht in der starken Form der vergangenen beiden Jahre. Die Irin verpasste den avisierten Hattrick, der in der Geschichte der Cross-EM ein Novum im Frauenrennen gewesen wäre. Sie wurde mit 26:45 Vierte. Beste deutsche Läuferin war Maren Kock (LG Telis Finanz Regensburg), die in  27:50 Rang 23 belegte.

Für eine deutsche Medaille in Belgrad sorgte das Juniorinnen-Team mit Rang drei. Beste Einzelläuferin war hier die erst 16-jährige Nachwuchshoffnung Alina Reh (TSV Erbach) auf Rang fünf.


European Cross Country Championships Stats: By Ken Nakamura

Junior Women
Emelia Gorecka became the first junior woman to win 4th medal at the 
Euro Cross Country Championships. She now has two gold in addition to silver and bronze
Marusa Mismas won first medal for SLO in junior women's race at 
Euro Cross Championships
Team silver by SWE is the best medal in junior women's race in Euro Cross. 
Previously SWE won one team bronze in the history of Euro Cross
For the 7th time in history, GBR won both individual and team gold in junior women's race in Euro Cross. 
GBR is the only country that have won both individual and team race in junior women's race
junior men
Ali Kaya become the first 5000m/10000m double European Junior Champion 
to win Euro junior Cross Country Championships
Kaya won first gold for TUR in junior men's race at Euro Cross Champ
Previously, the best individual medal for TUR in Euro Cross junior men's race was 
a bronze back in 2002 
U-23 women
Terzic won first medal for SRB in U-23 race in Euro Cross Champ
Team winning margin of 35 by GBR (over RUS) is the highest ever in U-23 women's race in Euro Cross
Previously the largest winning margin in U-23 women's race was 27 by GBR from 2011
Team winning score of 19 is the second lowest (best) in U-23 women's race in Euro Cross Champ
The lowest winning score ever in U-23 women's race is 14 by GBR from 2011
NED won first team medal at U-23 women's race in Euro Cross Champ
For the fifth time in history of Euro Cross Champ, GBR women won both junior and U-23 team race. 
U-23 Men
Hannes won first gold for BEL in men's U-23 race in Euro Cross Champ; Previously best medal by BEL was silver from 2012
He is also the fourth man with both U-23 titles, on Euro cross country and Eurotrack (1500m in his case)
Tsenov won first medal for BUL in men's U-23 race in Euro Cross Champ 
Cerovac won second medal for SRB in men's U-23 race at Euro Cross Champ; 
their previous medal in U-23 race was silver back in 2006
For the second time in history men and women from GBR won both U-23 team race. First time was back in 2007
UKR won first team medal in men's U-23 race in Euro Cross Champ
Senior women
Dulce Felix won second bronze. She now has two silver and two bronze
Only Jevtic with five bronze has more medals in senior Euro Cross Champ 
Women's team from GBR won all team races (senior U-23 and junior); 
second time (after 2011) they have done so. 
Senior men
Arikan won first medal for TUR in senior men's race at Euro Cross Champ 
0 sec difference between 3rd and 4th is the closest ever in the senior race in Euro Cross Champ 
ESP won both individual and team in senior race; second time they have won both, and each time Bezabeh was an individual champ
Previously, in 1994, POR also won both individual and team senior race




author: GRR


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