
Distance Running – die weltweite Laufzeitschrift von AIMS – Ausgabe Nr. 2/2017 ist erschienen.

By GRR 0

AIMS, die Association of International Marathons and Distance Races hat die zweite  Ausgabe von "Distance Running" des Jahres 2017 – (Nr. 92) veröffentlicht.

Das Magazin erscheint viermal im Jahr und kommt bei den Mitgliedsläufen zur Verteilung, bzw. ist auch im Internet zu lesen (siehe ganz unten rechts auf der GRR-website zum Umblättern anklicken!).

In dem 100-seitigen Magazin werben die über 400 Mitglieder von AIMS für ihre Läufe im Jahre 2017.

Distance Running erscheint auf der Titelseite mit einem Bild vom  Kobe Marathon/Japan

Elf deutsche Läufe, acht Schweizer- und fünf Läufe aus Österreich sind Mitglieder bei AIMS.

Mit einer Auflage von über 400.000 Exemplaren kommt das AIMS Magazin weltweit bei den AIMS-Mitgliedern zur Ausgabe.

Horst Milde

Distance Running 2017 Edition 2 is now available. Competitors at AIMS and IAAF affiliated races during the second quarter of 2017 will be able to pick up the magazine free of charge from the race organisers.

The magazine includes:

  • The latest news from AIMS, IAAF, IAU and WMRA.
  • Results, pictures and reports from races held during the first quarter of 2017.
  • The official AIMS calendar of events and race contact details.*
  • Features on:
    • Gran Canaria Marathon, Spain
    • Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon, Hong Kong, China
    • Napoli City Half Marathon, Italy
    • Osaka Women’s Marathon, Japan

You can also read or download the entire magazine here:

Read Distance Running 2017 Edition 2 online 

The entire 2017 Edition 2 (PDF, 46 MB)

Please note that whilst the calendar and contact details were believed correct at the time of publication, runners should confirm directly with the race organisers prior to booking travel arrangements.

Distance Running is also available free on issuu.

Winter balm for runners

Winter balm for runners

Gran Canaria Marathon, Sun 22 January 2017

The circuit through city’s most emblematic spots, the old district of Vegueta and the Avenida Marítima along the Atlantic, grabs the attention of both amateur and elite athletes

View as printed

See the latest news from Gran Canaria Marathon

To the next level

To the next level

Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon, Sun 12 February 2017

The unexpected rise of a financial centre to also become a centre of the marathon movement

View as printed

See the latest news from Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon

See Naples and … run

See Naples and … run

Napoli City Half Marathon, Sun 5 February 2017

This mischievous yet artistic and elegant city is full of unique charm with a vibrant atmosphere

View as printed

See the latest news from Napoli City Half Marathon

Stargazing from up close

Stargazing from up close

Osaka Women’s Marathon, Sun 29 January 2017

Celebrating its 36th anniversary this year, Osaka — one of the few elite women’s marathons in Japan.

View as printed

See the latest news from Osaka Women’s Marathon


On the shoulders of runners

By Dr Sandeep Kate
Fun run with a message challenges female infanticide


Upping their chances

By Hugh Jones
Everything humanly possible will be done to boost the chance of one of three select athletes running under two hours for the Marathon this spring — but it will still not be enough, argues Hugh Jones.

Marathon movers

Singh when you’re winning

Brothers who pioneered India’s distance running revolution

See the latest news from Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon

Marathon greats

Jim Peters

London optician who set four marathon world records

Also in this issue …

Race previews: Golden Ring Ultra Trail 100; hella hamburg halbmarathon; PKO Wroclaw Night Half Marathon; Correcaminos Marathon & Half Marathon; Suzuki Midnight Sun Run
Obituaries: Miruts Yifter, Allan Steinfeld, 1946–2017, Ed Whitlock, 1931–2017

News from AIMS, IAAF, WMRA and IAU; Race dates; Race contact details.

Source:  Distance Running


author: GRR


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