
2007 Real Berlin Marathon Berlin, Germany September 30, 2007 Photo; Lisa Coniglio@Photo Run 631-741-1865

AIMS ehrt die Lauflegende HAILE GEBRSELASSIE mit der „Lebenswerk Auszeichnung“ bei der MARATHON GALA in der Heimat des Marathon in Athen

By GRR 0

AIMS, die internationale Vereinigung der Marathon- und Langstreckenveranstalter freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass Haile Gebrselassie, die äthiopische Marathon-Legende mit dem "AIMS Lifetime Achievement Award" auf der vierten "AIMS Marathon GALA" bei einem Empfang im Geburtsort des Marathon in Athen, Griechenland am 11. November 2016 ausgezeichnet wird.

Hailes unvergleichliche Karriere und seine Erfolgen in vielen Disziplinen der Langstrecke wird im Namen der AIMS Mitglieder anerkannt, die mehr als 410 der weltweit führenden Veranstaltungen repräsentieren.

Darunter sind die prestigeträchtigsten Rennen aus 110 Ländern, wie der BMW Berlin-Marathon, einem Rennen, daß Haile viermal hintereinander gewonnen hat (zwischen 2006 und 2009) und dabei 2007 und 2008  neue Weltrekorde aufgestellt hat.  

Haile erhält die "AIMS Lifetime Achievement Award" in Anerkennung seiner unglaublichen Karriere im Langstreckenlauf. Er wird weltweit als der erfolgreichste Langstreckler der Welt angesehen. AIMS hatte ihn schon zuvor mit dem "AIMS Marathonläufer des Jahres Award " in drei aufeinander folgenden Jahren 2006, 2007 und 2008 ausgezeichnet.

Siehe weitere Informationen zu Haile und die Übersicht über seine Leistungen in dem unten folgendem Originalbeitrag.

Der 21. AIMS Weltkongress vom 10. -12.  November 2016 in Athen, Griechenland

Der 21. Weltkongress von AIMS findet in  Athen vom 10. – 12. November 2016 im Crowne Plaza Athens City Centre Hotel statt. Gastgeber ist der Athen Marathon.

Athen und AIMS bieten an diesem Wochenende das "volle Programm" an.
Dazu gehören u.a. die Marathon-GALA, die Marathon Eröffnungsfeier am Grabhügel der gefallenenen Athener.

Das Wochenende endet mit der 34. Auflage des "Athen-Marathon. Der Authentische" am Sonntag, 13. November 2016.

Der Kongress wird auch des 120. Jahrestages des Ersten Olympischen Marathon-Rennens gedenken, der 1896 zum ersten Mal bei Olympischen Spielen 1896 in Athen, Griechenland statt fand.

An allen Veranstaltungen des Wochenendes in Athen könne auch Nichtmitglieder teilnehmen, siehe die unten aufgeführten Informationen

Horst Milde

The Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS) is delighted to announce that Ethiopian Marathon Legend Haile Gebrselassie will be honoured with the AIMS Lifetime Achievement Award at the fourth annual AIMS Best Marathon Runner' (BMR) Awards Dinner Reception to be held in the birth place of the Marathon in Athens, Greece on 11 November 2016.
Haile's unparalleled career of success across many disciplines of distance running will be recognised on behalf of the AIMS Members who represent more than 410 of the world's leading and most prestigious races from 110 countries and territories, including the BMW Berlin Marathon, a race Haile famously won on four consecutive occasions between 2006 and 2009, setting new World Records in 2007 and 2008.
Haile will receive the AIMS Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his incredible career in distance running that has seen him widely referred to as the greatest distance runner in history. AIMS has previously presented Haile with the AIMS World Athlete of the Year Award in three consecutive years; 2006, 2007 and 2008.
Born in Asella Ethiopia in 1973, Haile first gained international attention when he won the 5,000 and 10,000m races at the World Junior Championships in Seoul, South Korea in 1992.
It would be impossible to give equal coverage to each of Haile's incredible achievements but they can be summarised thus; Haile won two Olympic gold medals (both in the 10,000m) and won many marathons around the world including four in a row at the Berlin Marathon. He also has an impressive collection of gold medals from indoor and outdoor athletics World Championships.

Throughout his career he has set World Records in a variety of distances from the two miles to the marathon. He is quite simply one of the most decorated distance runners in history.

AIMS President Paco Borao comments: "We are honoured to be able to recognise the achievements of Haile Gebrselassie and his unrivalled contribution to the Marathon Movement and world sport. Haile's success has been an inspiration to so many throughout Africa and around the world and his dedication is an example we can all follow."
Haile Gebrselassie comments: "I am very happy that AIMS and their members and sponsors have chosen to honour me in this way. I am looking forward to attending the AIMS Best Marathon Runner Awards Dinner to spend a wonderful night with my friends in the marathon community in the home of the Marathon, Athens, Greece."
Summary of Haile Gebrselassie Career Achievements
Marathon Performances
2005      Amsterdam Marathon                       1st (Gold Medal)
2006      Berlin Marathon                             1st (Gold Medal)
2006      Fukuoka Marathon                            1st (Gold Medal)
2007      Berlin Marathon                            1st (Gold Medal) – 2:04:26 – World Record
2008      Dubai Marathon                                1st (Gold Medal)
2008      Berlin Marathon                             1st (Gold Medal) – 2:03:59 – World Record
2009      Dubai Marathon                                1st (Gold Medal)
2009      Berlin Marathon                             1st (Gold Medal)
2010      Dubai Marathon                                1st (Gold Medal)
Olympic Games
1996      Atlanta                 10,000m               1st (Gold Medal)
2000      Sydney                 10,000m               1st (Gold Medal)
World Athletics Championships
1993      Stuttgart               10,000m               1st (Gold Medal)
1995      Gothenburg          10,000m               1st (Gold Medal)
1997      Athens                  10,000m               1st (Gold Medal)
1999      Seville                  10,000m               1st (Gold Medal)
World Indoor Athletics Championships
1997      Paris                     3,000m                1st (Gold Medal)
1999      Maebashi             3,000m                 1st (Gold Medal)
1999      Maebashi             1,5000m               1st (Gold Medal)
2003      Maebashi             3,000m                 1st (Gold Medal)

About the AIMS Best Marathon Runner Awards Dinner

The purpose of the BMR Awards Dinner is to:
I.             Announce and honour the best male and female Marathon runners of the year through the AIMS BEST MARATHON RUNNER (BMR) Award. The BMR Award replaces the AIMS World Athlete of the Year Award.
II.            Recognise and honour exceptional Marathon figureheads and personalities for their contribution to the development of the Marathon movement.

III.          Publicise and promote the best practice and initiatives of AIMS members (410+ race organisers) through the establishment of special environmental and social awards.
IV.          Enhance the role, programs and services of AIMS.
The event will be staged in Athens, Greece on Friday 11 November 2016.
About AIMS
AIMS is a member based organisation and since being established in 1982 has grown to a membership of more than 410 of the world's leading distance races, from over 110 countries and territories. AIMS Members come from every continent on the planet. The three key objectives of AIMS are:

  1. To foster and promote distance running throughout the world
  2. To work with the International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF) on all matters relating to international road races.
  3. To exchange information, knowledge and expertise among members of the association

For further information on AIMS please visit:
About the 21st World Congress of AIMS – 10-12 November – Athens, Greece
The 21st World Congress of AIMS is being hosted by the ‘Athens Marathon, the Authentic' at the Crowne Plaza Athens City Centre Hotel between November 10 – 12. The weekend will include many events including the AIMS Best Marathon Runner Awards (where Haile will accept his Lifetime Achievement Award), the Athens Marathon Expo, the Athens Marathon Opening Ceremonies & Marathon Flame Lighting inside the Marathon Tomb. The weekend finishes with the 34th edition of the ‘Athens Marathon. The Authentic' on Sunday 13 November. The Congress will also mark the 120th anniversary of the Olympic Marathon race, held for the first time at the 1896 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.
The Congress is being co-organised by the ‘Athens Marathon, the Authentic' and the Hellenic Athletics Federation (SEGAS), Greece's governing body for athletics.
The Congress will feature expert speakers including Dr Kevin Dutton, a research psychologist at the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford will speak on the subject of "why do people cheat?"
, a topical subject in world sport at this time. Another speaker at the Congress is British former middle distance runner Diane Modahl, who was falsely accused of a doping offence in 1994. Diane will speak about her fight to clear her name which ultimately cost her two years of her career. Diane is a three-time medallist at the Commonwealth Games.
The Congress will also give race organisers the chance to promote their races to hundreds of international runners and visitors.
AIMS Members can attend the Congress for free (accommodation charges apply), while non-Members can attend for a Congress Registration Fee of €270 in addition to accommodation charges. As part of this Congress Registration Fee, non-Members will receive one year's Associate Membership to AIMS (subject to meeting qualifying criteria). 
Both Members and non-Members should visit to register.
To register for the Athens Marathon race, Congress participants should visit the official Congress website ( where all information including how to participate in the race is detailed.

Peter McLean
Association of International
Marathons & Distance Races

author: GRR


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