
Die Duelle zwischen dem Briten Mo Farah und dem Ukrainer Serhiy Lebid gehörten zum Besten, was der europäische Crosslauf in den vergangenen Jahren zu bieten hatte.

Bupa Great Edinburgh International Cross Country im Holyrood Park – Weltklasse-Duelle beim Cross in Edinburgh

By GRR 0

Das bestbesetzte Crossrennen des Jahres findet – abgesehen von den Weltmeisterschaften – in Schottland statt: Am Sonnabend gehen im Holyrood Park von Edinburgh einige der stärksten Läufer der Welt in drei verschiedenen Wettbewerben an den Start. Darunter ist zum ersten Mal ein Team-Wettbewerb mit Männer-Mannschaften aus Großbritannien, den USA und Europa sowie einer britischen Nachwuchs-Auswahl.

Bei den Frauen gibt es ein hochklassiges Duell, denn über die 6-km-Distanz treten Vivian Cheruiyot und Linet Masai gegeneinander an. Es waren jene beiden Kenianerinnen, die bei den Weltmeisterschaften in Berlin 2009 sensationell die Äthiopierinnen entthronten und Gold über 5.000 m (Cheruiyot) sowie 10.000 m (Masai) gewannen. Bei den bisherigen Aufeinandertreffen siegte meistens Cheruiyot, was allerdings auch damit zu tun hat, dass es dabei in der Regel Strecken von 3.000 oder 5.000 m waren. Im Cross allerdings entschied Masai vier der fünf Duelle für sich.

Allerdings hat sich Cheruiyot im Crosslaufen verbessert. So war sie vor einem Jahr in Edinburgh bereits Zweite. Es könnte also sehr spannend werden, zumal die kenianische 3.000-m-Hindernisläuferin Milcah Chemos (aktuelle Commonwealth Games-Siegerin), die Äthiopierin Genzebe Dibaba (die Cross-Juniorenweltmeisterin von 2008 sowie 2009 und Schwester der Olympiasiegerin Tirunesh) und die aktuelle Cross-Europameisterin Jessica Augusto (Portugal) im Rennen sind.

Das Männer-Einzelrennen wird in diesem Jahr erstmals über 4 km ausgetragen. Dadurch sind eine Reihe von Weltklasse-Mittelstrecklern am Start sowie Hindernis- und 5.000-m-Läufer. Diese Mischung könnte enormes Tempo in das Rennen bringen. Einer, dem die 4-km-Distanz liegen könnte, ist der 5.000-m-Olympiazweite Eliud Kipchoge (Kenia). Zu seinen Gegnern zählen zwei Landsleute, die bei Olympia 2008 in Peking jeweils Gold gewannen: Asbel Kiprop (1.500 m) und Brimin Kipruto (3.000 m Hindernis). Auch der 1.500-m-Europameister von Barcelona 2010, Arturo Casado (Spanien), rennt durch den Holyrood Park.

Die Duelle zwischen dem Briten Mo Farah und dem Ukrainer Serhiy Lebid gehörten zum Besten, was der europäische Crosslauf in den vergangenen Jahren zu bieten hatte. Beide treffen am Sonnabend im Rahmen der neuen ,Team Challenge’ aufeinander und führen die britische beziehungsweise europäische Mannschaft an. Bei dem 8-km-Rennen haben die vier Teams – neben Großbritannien und Europa auf die USA sowie ein britisches Nachwuchsteam – jeweils neun Athleten im Rennen. Die besten sechs von ihnen sammeln Punkte analog ihrer Platzierung. Das Team mit den wenigsten Zählern gewinnt.

Da das britische Publikum Länderkämpfen sehr offen gegenübersteht, hoffen die Veranstalter, dass sie entsprechend großes Interesse wecken. Dies soll sich sowohl bei den Zuschauerzahlen vor Ort in Edinburgh als auch im Fernsehen niederschlagen. Denn die BBC überträgt die Veranstaltung live. Außerdem wollen die Organisatoren Nachwuchsläufern die Chance geben, bei einem großen internationalen Rennen Erfahrungen zu sammeln.

Als Serhiy Lebid im vergangenen Monat in Portugal zum neunten Mal die Cross-EM-Goldmedaille gewann, war Mo Farah nicht am Start. So wird der Brite nun alles dransetzen, seinen Widersacher zumindest auf heimischem Terrain zu stoppen. Das europäische Team muss allerdings angesichts der Besetzung als Favorit gelten.

Die US-Mannschaft wird angeführt von Galen Rupp. Der 24-Jährige hatte bei der WM 2009 in Berlin im 10.000-m-Finale als Achter eine beachtliche Platzierung erreicht (siehe die Aufstellung des US-Teams)


US-Team Aufstellung:

USA Track & Field – News – USA set for first Bupa Great Edinburgh International Cross Country Team Challenge




Bib # Bib Name Athlete Name Cntry Athlete Biography
1 FARAH Mo Farah GBR 2010 European 5000m & 10000m Champion; 2009 & 2008 European XC Silver Medallist, 2006 European XC Champion; British 5000m Record Holder
2 TICKNER Frank Tickner GBR 48th Place 2010 European XC Champs; 74th 2009 World XC Champs; 10th Place 2008 European XC Champs; 2 Time English National XC Champion
3 VERNON Andy Vernon GBR 10th Place 2010 Commonwealth 10000m; Euro U23 XC Silver Medallist '08; Euro U23 Bronze Medallist '07; Former European Junior XC Silver Medallist
4 MCLEOD Ryan Mcleod GBR 29th Place 2010 European XC Champs; 13.54 5000m; 7.52 3000m
5 HUMPHRIES Tom Humphries GBR 15th Place 2010 European XC Champs; 13.56 5000m
6 NICHOLLS Phil Nicholls GBR 18th Place 2010 European XC Champs; 28.40 10000m; 13.49 5000m
7 BEATTIE John Beattie GBR 15th Place 2010 Commonwealth Games 10,000m; 6th Place 2008 European U23 XC Champs; 28.32 10000m; 13.42 5000m
8 OVERALL Scott Overall GBR Represented Gb At World & European Indoor 3000m; 13.28 5000m
9 MERRIEN Lee Merrien GBR 8th Place 2010 European Champs Marathon; Represented Gb At World & European XC; 13.57 5000m
10 TBC Tbc USA  
11 RUPP Galen Rupp USA 5th Place World Indoor 3000m 2010; 8th Place World Champs 10000m 2009; 27.10 10000m; 13.07 5000m
12 MORAN Ed Moran USA Represented USA At World XC Champs '08 & '09; 2007 Pan American Games 5000m Champion; 27.43 10000m; 13.20 5000m
13 BAUHS Scott Bauhs USA Represented USA At World XC Champs '08 & '10; 27.48 10000m; 13.28 5000m
14 MACK Bobby Mack USA Represented USA At 2010 World XC Champs; 13.39 5000m
15 FURST Stephen Furst USA 13.36 5000m
16 GABRIELSON Matt Gabrielson USA 36th Place World Champs Marathon 2009; Represented USA At World XC Champs '05, '06, & '07
17 JANKOWSKI David Jankowski USA 28.27 10000m; 13.41 5000m
18 ARCINIAGA Nick Arciniaga USA 2:11.48 Marathon; 63.22 Half M
19 LEBID Sergey Lebid Europe (Ukr) 9 Times & Reigning European XC Champion; Former World XC Silver Medallist; 28.09 10000m; 13.10 5000m
20 LAMDASSAM Ayad Lamdassam Europe (ESP) 2010 European XC Silver Medallist; 4th Place 2010 European Champs 10000m; 13.17 5000m; 27.45 10000m
21 MEFTAH Abdellatif Meftah Europe (Fra) 4th Place 2010 European XC Champs; 27.34 10000m; 13.27 5000m; 60.46 Half M
22 D'HOEDT Jeroen D'Hoedt Europe (Bel) 4th Place 2010 European U23 XC; 2009 European Junior XC Champion
23 AMDOUNI Mourad Amdouni Europe (Fra) 5th Place 2010 European XC Champs; 2007 European Junior XC Champion & European Junior 5000m Champion; 13.14 5000m; 7.37 3000m
24 ESPANA Jesus ESPana Europe (ESP) 9th Place 2010 Euro XC Champs; 2010 European 5000m Silver Medallist; 2006 European 5000m Champion; Euro Indoor 3000m Bronze Medallist '02, '07 & '09
25 KENNEALLY Mark KENneally Europe (IRE) 8th Place 2009 European XC Champs; 13.36 5000m; 29.17 10k
26 EL KALAI Youssef El Kalai Europe (POR) 2010 European XC Bronze Medallist; 28.30 10000m; 13.31 5000m
27 SWEENEY Joe Sweeney Europe (IRE) 21st Place European XC Champs; 13.54 5000m; 7.57 3000m
28 HAWKINS Derek Hawkins GBR U23/U20 48th Place European U23 XC Champs
29 GOOSE Mitch Goose GBR U23/U20 22nd Place 2010 European U23 XC Champs, 5th In 2009; 14.02 5000m
30 HARRELL Ashley Harrell GBR U23/U20 68th Place European U23 XC Champs, 39th In 2009
31 MCDONNELL John Mcdonnell GBR U23/U20 16th Place 2010 European Junior XC Champs
32 GOODMAN Richard Goodman GBR U23/U20 6th Place 2009 European Junior 1500m; Represented Gb At World & European XC; 3.43 1500m; 1.50 800m
33 COMBS  Andy Combs GBR U23/U20 22nd Place 2010 European Junior XC Champs
34 FARNHAM-ROSE Robbie Farnham-Rose GBR U23/U20 46th Place 2010 European Junior XC Champs; English Schools 3000m Champion
35 CONNOR Ben Connor GBR U23/U20 23rd Place 2010 European Junior XC Champs
36 MURRAY Ross Murray GBR U23/U20 14th Place 2010 European Junior XC Champs; 14.02 5000m; 8.08 3000m


Bib # Bib Name Athlete Name Cntry Athlete Biography
1 CHERUIYOT Vivian Cheruiyot KEN 2010 Commonwealth 5000m Champion; World 5000m Champion '09; World 5000m Silver Medallist '07; 5th Olympic 5000m '08; World Junior XC Champion 
2 TWELL Steph Twell GBR 2010 Commonwealth 1500m Bronze Medallist; World Junior 1500m Champion '08, 3 Times European Junior XC Champion
3 MASAI Linet Masai KEN World XC Silver Medallist '09 & '10, Bronze In '08; 2009 World 10000m Champion
4 AUGUSTO Jessica Augusto POR 4th Place 2009 European XC Champs; European XC Silver Medalist '08, Reigning Great North Run Champion 
5 CHEMOS Milcah Chemos KEN 2010 Commonwealth 3000m S'Chase Champion; 2009 World Champs 3000m S'Chase Bronze Medallist
6 MURRAY Freya Murray GBR 5th Place 2010 Commonwealth 10000m, 7th In The 5000m; 9th Place 2009 Euro XC Champs; 2010 Great IREland Run Champ & Great YorkshIRE Run Champ
7 PURDUE Charlotte Purdue GBR 2010 European Junior XC Champion; 4th Place 2010 Commonwealth 10000m; 2009 European Junior 5000m Silver Medallist
8 DIBABA Genzebe Dibaba ETH 2 Time World Junior XC Champion '08 & '09; 2010 World Junior 5000m Champion; 8th Place 2009 World Champs 5000m  
9 PALLANT Emma Pallant GBR 2010 European U23 XC Bronze Medallist; Former World Junior 1500m Bronze Medallist
10 JORDAN Cristina Jordan ESP 2010 European U23 XC Silver Medallist
11 DEAN Hattie Dean GBR 7th Place 2010 European XC Champs; 4th Place 2010 European Champs 3000m S'Chase; 15th Place 2007 World XC Champs
12 AGUILAR Alessandra Aguilar ESP 8th Place 2010 European XC Champs; 7th Place 2010 European Champs Marathon
13 YELLING Liz Yelling GBR 2006 Commonwealth Games Marathon Bronze; 7 Top 10 Finishes In The European XC Champs; 2 Top 15 Finishes In The World XC
14 KIROS Aheza Kiros ETH Represented ETHiopia Atthe 2007 World Champs 10000m; 31.06 10000m; 14.56 5000m
15 GORECKA Emelia Gorecka GBR 2010 European Junior XC Champs Bronze Medallist
16 GRAY Natalie Gray GBR 7th Place 2010 European U23 XC Champs; 15th Place 2010 Ncaa XC Champs
17 STEEL Gemma Steel GBR 27th Place 2010 European XC Champs; 5th Place 2010 Bupa Great South Run
18 AVERY Kate Avery GBR 12th Place 2010 European Junior XC Champs, Bronze Medallist In 2009; 2009 European Junior 3000m Silver Medallist
19 PIDGEON Emily Pidgeon GBR 16th Place 2010 European U23 XC; 2009 European U23 5000m Bronze Medallist; Former European Junior XC Champion
20 HOWARTH Lauren Howarth GBR 2008 European Junior XC Bronze Medallist; 13th Place 2009 World Junior XC Champs
21 DEADMAN Lauren Deadman GBR 29th Place 2009 European XC Champs; 16.08 5000m
22 WHITMORE Hannah Whitmore GBR Represented Gb At World & European XC Champs
23 WALKER Hannah Walker GBR 2010 National Junior 3000m Bronze Medallist; 32nd Place 2010 World Junior XC Champs
24 DOEL Natasha Doel GBR  
25 BRUINVELS Georgie Bruinvels GBR  
26 FRUMUZ Cristiana Frumuz Rou 15th Place 2009 European U23 5000m
27 STOCKTON Stevie Stockton GBR 47th Place 2010 World XC; 10th 2009 European U23 XC
29 SMALL Louise Small GBR 2009 European Junior 3000m Bronze Medallist; 5th Place 2009 World Youth Championships 3000m; 2009 English Junior XC Champion


Bib # Bib Name Athlete Name Cntry Athlete Biography
1 Kipchoge Eliud Kipchoge KEN 2010 Commonwealth Games 5000m Silver Medallist; 2008 Olypmic 5000m Silver Medallist; 2007 World Champs 5000m Silver Medallist; 2003 World 5000m Champion
2 Kiprop Asbel Kiprop KEN 2008 Olympic 1500m Champion; 2007 World Junior XC Champion; 7.42 3000m; 3.31 1500m; 1.43 800m
3 Casado Arturo Casado ESP 2010 European 1500m Champion; 4th Place 2008 World Indoor 1500m; 5th Place 2005 World Championships 1500m; 3.32 1500m; 1.44 800m
4 Kipruto Brimin Kipruto KEN 2008 Olympic 3000m S'Chase Champion, 2004 Bronze Medallist; 2007 World 3000m S'Chase Champion, 2005 Bronze Medallist; 8.00 3000m S'Chase
5 Silva Rui Silva POR Euro Indoor 1500m Champion '98, '02, '09; Olympic 1500m Bronze Medallist '04; World Indoor 1500m Champion '01; World Indoor 3000m Silver Medallist '04
6 LancashIRE Tom LancashIRE GBR 8th Place 2010 Commonwealth 1500m; 10th Place 2010 European Champs  1500m; Represented Gb At World Champs And Olympic Games 1500m
7 Stevenson Ricky Stevenson GBR 2010 Great Edinburgh XC 4k Champion; 9th Place 2010 Euro U23 XC Champs, 8th In '08
8 Vernon Steve Vernon GBR 2nd Place Great Edinburgh International XC 4k '09 & '10; Represented Gb & World & European XC Champs; 2 Times Uk 4km XC Champ, '03 And '05
9 Mccormick Nick Mccormick GBR 6th Place 2009 European Indoor 3000m; 5th Place 2006 Commonwealth Games 1500m; 13.25 5000m; 7.51 3000m; 3.35 1500m
10 Draper Mark Draper GBR 37th Place European XC Champs 2010; 11th Place European Indoor 3000m 2009; 13.43 5000m
11 Christie Mark Christie IRE Represented IREland At European XC,  World XC, & European Indoor Champs; 3.41 1500m; 13.37 5000m; 7.50 3000m
12 Whitby Ben Whitby GBR 27th Place 2009 European XC Champs; Represented England 2002 Commonwealth Games 3000m S'Chase; 63.43 Half M; 2:15.09 Marathon
13 Thie James Thie GBR 9th Place 2010 Commonwealth 1500m; 4th 2004 World Indoor 1500m; 3.37 1500m; 1.49 800m
14 Lindsay Ben Lindsay GBR 4th Place 2008 European U23 XC Champs
15 Raeside  Bruce Raeside GBR 3.42 1500m; 8.06 3000m; 4.01 Mile ; 13.53 5000m
16 Mulhare Dan Mulhare IRE 14.04 5000m; 8.04 3000m
17 Millington Ross Millington GBR Us Collegiate Athlete At Univeristy Of New Mexico; 14.02 5000m; 4.02 Mile; 3.44 1500m
18 Murray Ross Murray GBR 6th Place 2009 European Junior 1500m; Represented Gb At World & European XC; 3.43 1500m; 1.50 800m
19 Mackay Chris Mackay GBR 3.42 1500m; 14.20 5000m
20 Williamson Ian Williamson GBR 3.45 1500m; 1.53 800m
21 Selman Dougie Selman GBR 3.51 1500m; 1.51 800m;  8.32 3000m
22 Wiles Andrew Wiles GBR 1.51 800m; 3.46 1500m;  8.17 3000m
23 Scullion Stephen Scullion IRE 27th Place 2009 European U23 XC Champs; 3.43 1500m; 14.08 5000m
24 Skinner Michael Skinner GBR 2009 Gb Euro XC Representative, 2009 Euro XC trial Winner; World XC Gb Team Member; 20th Place 2008 European Cross Country Championships  
25 Gauson Kristopher Gauson GBR 3.42 1500m; 4.00 Mile; 8.21 3000m
26 Mulhare Michael Mulhare IRE 16th Place 2010 European U23 XC Champs, 18th In 2009; Also Represented IREland At World Junior XC
27 Reilly Sean Reilly GBR  
28 Clowes Matt Clowes GBR  

Bupa Great Edinburgh Cross Country – Live on BBC One 13:00 – 14:30

The Bupa Great Edinburgh Cross Country has changed its title for 2011 and has also taken on a brand new format, which we hope will make the event more exciting, entertaining and more competitive event.

Men’s short race
Britain’s number 1 in 2010 Tom Lancashire takes on the Olympic and European 1500m champions.

Women’s race
GB 2012 hopefuls go head to head against the World 5000m and 10000m champions in the best quality X Country in the world.

Men’s international team challenge
Mo Farah, double European champion, leads the GB team into action against the best of the USA and Europe in the inaugural International team challenge. Up against 9 times European champion Sergey Lebid and a strong US team, can Farah lead the British team to victory?

The new format
The new format for the 2011 Bupa Great Edinburgh Cross Country will consist of a short 4.2km course with the best male athletes in the world competing. The 5.7km event will remain the same and is contested by the world's best female athletes.

The big change in 2011 is the introduction of the International Team Challenge, which will see Great Britain & Northern Ireland Senior Men and Great Britain & Northern Ireland U23 and U20 Men take on the United States and a European Select team over 8km.

Each country competing in the International Team Challenge will consist of nine athletes per team and the first six athletes to complete the course will receive a score based on their position. The team with the lowest overall score wins.

Free entry for spectators, plus all the action live on LED big screen
Entry into Holyrood Park is free for spectators. We hope that the public will take advantage of the opportunity to see the world’s best athletes compete, as well as the cream of young Scottish athletes on show within the main events and the Scottish Inter District Championships.

There will be an LED Big Screen, with a live feed to BBC television pictures so you won’t miss a second as the action unfolds around Holyrood Park.

Event Timetable

Inter District Cross Country Championships
10:15 U13 Girls Inter-district XC
10:35 U13 Boys Inter-district XC
11:00 Bupa Junior Great Winter Run – 2.5km
11:10 U15 Girls Inter –district XC
11:30 U15 Boys Inter –district XC
12:00 Bupa Great Winter Run – 5km Road Race
12:05 U17 Women Inter – district XC
12:30 U17 Men’s Inter – district XC
13:07 Bupa Great Edinburgh X Country Men’s Short Race
13:25 Bupa Great Edinburgh X Country Women’s Race
13:55 Bupa Great Edinburgh X Country International Team Challenge

Bupa Great Edinburgh Cross Country

Men’s Bupa Great Edinburgh International Cross Country
The world’s best male athletes take on the new shortened 4.2 km course.
Confirmed athletes

  • Asbel Kiprop (KEN) – Olympic 1500m Champion.
  • Brimin Kipruto (KEN) – Olympic 3000m Steeplechase Champion.
  • Eliud Kipchoge (KEN) – Olympic 5000m silver medalist.
  • Ricky Stevenson (GBR) – 2010 Bupa Great Edinburgh Cross Country 4k champion; 9th place 2010 European U23 cross country championships.
  • Nick McCormick (GBR) – 6th place 2009 European indoor 3000M, former Bupa Great Edinburgh Cross Country 4km Champion.
  • Arturo Casado (ESP) – 2010 European 1500m Champion

Women’s Bupa Great Edinburgh International Cross Country
The world’s best female athletes take on the 6 km cross country course.
Confirmed athletes

  • Freya Murray (GBR & SCOTLAND) – enjoying the best season of her career, highlighted by her second place finish at the 2010 Bupa Great South Run
  • Stephanie Twell (GBR & SCOTLAND) – 1500m Commonwealth Games bronze medallist 2010.
  • Vivian Cheruiyot (KEN) – 2010 Commonwealth 5000m champion.
  • Linet Masai(KEN) – World Cross Country silver medallist 2009
  • Milcah Chemos (KEN) – 2010 Commonwealth Games 3000m steeplechase champion.
  • Jessica Augusto (PORT) – 4th place in 2009 European XC Championships

Men’s International Team Challenge (8km)
A new concept for 2011 which will see Great Britain & Northern Ireland Senior Men and Great Britain & Northern Ireland U23 and U20 Men take on the United States and a European Select team.

USA Team

  • Dathan Ritzenhein (Team Captain) withdrawn through injury replacement TBC
  • Galen Rupp
  • Scott Bauhs
  • Ed Moran
  • Bobby Mack
  • Stephen Furst
  • Matt Gabrielson
  • David Jankowski
  • One more to be nominated
  • Team Leader
  • Fred Finke

Aviva Great Britain and Northern Ireland Teams

  • Seniors
  • Mo Farah (Team Captain)
  • John Beattie
  • Tom Humphries
  • Ryan McLeod
  • Lee Merrien
  • Phil Nicholls
  • Scott Overall
  • Frank Tickner
  • Andy Vernon
  • Under 23/Under U20 Men
  • Andy Combs
  • Ben Connor
  • Robbie Farnham-Rose
  • Mitch Goose
  • Ashley Harrell
  • Derek Hawkins
  • Jonny Hay
  • John McDonnell
  • Ryan Saunders

European Select team

  • Sergey Lebid – Ukraine (Team Captain)
  • Ayad Lamdassam (Spain)
  • Abdellatif Meftah (France)
  • Jeroen D'Hoedt (Belgium)
  • Mourad Amdouni (France)
  • Jesus Espana (Spain)
  • Mark Kenneally (Ireland)
  • Youssef El Kalai (Portugal)
  • Joe Sweeney (Ireland)

author: GRR


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