
14 July: Jubilee Marathon 1912 – 2012 Saturday 14th July 2012 will be exactly 100 years since the marathon race at the Stockholm Olympic Games. We are celebrating this anniversary by staging the Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912–2012, a special race which will follow the route of the 1912 Olympic race. ©ASICS Stockholm Marathon Organisation

Willkommen zu einem historischen Lauf in Stockholm am 14. Juli 2012! – Jubiläums-Marathon 1912 – 2012.

By GRR 0

Am 14. Juli 2012 findet der Jubiläums-Marathon zum 100. Jahrestag der Olympischen Spiele in Stockholm statt. Schweden feiert das Jubiläum durch die Inszenierung des Jubiläums Marathon auf der der historischen Strecke des Laufes von 1912.

Im Jahr 1912 fanden die Olympischen Sommerspiele in Stockholm statt. Der Marathon, der in der drückenden Hitze am 14. Juli durchgeführt wurde, war ein Höhepunkt der fünften Olympischen Spiele. Das Stockholm in Stadion, das für die Olympischen Spiele gebaut wurde, war an zwei Tagen voll – während der Spiele-  bei der Eröffnungsfeier und beim Marathon.

1912 war die Marathonstrecke nur 40.200 m lang – wer am Lauf am 14. Juli 2012 teilnehmen möchte kann auswählen, ob er das "Original" laufen möchte – oder einen "vollen Marathon", denn es gibt ein Zusatzrunde.

Nachstehend publizieren wir den Bericht des Stockhom Marathon in englischer Sprache, es lohnt sich den Beitrag anzuschauen, schon allein wegen der historischen Bilder.

Horst Milde


Welcome to a historic race in Stockholm!


14 July: Jubilee Marathon 1912 – 2012 Saturday 14th July 2012 will be exactly 100 years since the marathon race at the Stockholm Olympic Games. We are celebrating this anniversary by staging the Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912–2012, a special race which will follow the route of the 1912 Olympic race.

In 1912 the Summer Olympic Games were held in Stockholm. The marathon, which was carried out in the stifling heat on 14 July, was a highpoint of the 5th Olympic Games. Stockholm Stadium, which was built for the Olympics, was full on two days during the event, at the opening ceremony and for the marathon.

The poster for the 1912 Olympic Games.

The marathon route from the stadium to Sollentuna Church and back to the stadium was lined with crowds of spectators in their thousands. The South African Kennedy Kane McArthur won the race and the big Swedish hope, Sigge Jacobson, finished in sixth place.

Saturday 14 July 2012 will be 100 years to the day since that Olympic Marathon. On this day Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912-2012 will take place – a race which will follow as closely as possible the route of the 1912 Olympic race, from Stockholm Stadium out to the turning point at the Sollentuna Church and then back to the Olympic Stadium.

The distance will be tne same as 1912; 40,200 metres.
Runners who wish to run 42,195 metres – the stipulated distance for a marathon today – can choose to run an extra loop before the finish.

The Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912 – 2012 is organised by the athletic clubs Hässelby SK and Spårvägens FK. The clubs also organise the ASICS Stockholm Marathon and several other road races.


Dress up in 1912 fashion! Sunday the 14 July was the big day during the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm. We are also hoping for many spectators on 14 July 2012, and we are encouraging them to dress up in 1912 fashion.

This is how they looked in 1912


Marathon day, 14 July, was the only competition day during the 1912 Olumpic Games when the newly built Stockholms Stadion was full to capacity with 22,000 spectators.

Welcome to a historic race, 14 July 2012

On Sunday 14 July 1912 the Marathon race took place, the highlight of the 5th Olympic Games in Stockholm.
On Saturday 14 July 2012 the Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912-2012 will take place. It will be a race which will follow, as closely as possible, the route of the 1912 Olympic race and which will be organised in the 1912 spirit.

This will be the first time that an international marathon with thousands of participants has been organised on the 100th anniversary of an Olympic Marathon on the 100 year old course. Welcome to a unique competition which will only take place once in this century!
Here you can find detailed information about the Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912-2012.

By 4 August 8,153 runners from 58 countries had registered. The registration is now closed. 333 more runners were accepted when the registration reopened for one hour on 15 December.
1,600 places in the marathon are reserved for the official travel agencies.

List of Official travel agencies


1912: The Marathon was the biggest event of the Stockholm Olympic Games. This was the only competition day of the Games when the newly built Stockholm Olympic Stadium was full to capacity despite the fact that ticket prices were higher than any other day of the competition.
Tens of the thousands of spectators lined the course. Extra trains arrived in Stockholm with more spectators than at any time in the city’s history.

2012: We are doing our best to create the 1912 atmosphere around the Jubilee race, same course as 100 years ago, officials in old-fashioned apparel, water stations in the 1912 style, etc
At the number distribution, the day before the race, there will be an exhibition about the history of the Marathon, including the official film from the 1912 Olympics.

Start of the race

1912: The race started inside Stockholm Olympic Stadium, in front of the royal box in the middle of the home straight. The participants ran three quarters of a lap before they left the arena through the south gate onto Valhallavägen.
The intention was for the race to start at 13:45 on Saturday 14 July, but it took longer than expected to assemble all the participants so the race did not start until 13:48.

2012: The race will start inside Stockholm Olympic Stadium in front of the royal box. The first group will start at 13:48 Saturday 14 July. The participants will run three quarters of a lap before leaving the arena through the gate onto the street Valhallavägen.
The runners are divided into five groups which will start at ten minute intervals.

Swedish athletes at the Opening Ceremony of the 1912 Olympic Games


1912: The course ran from the Olympic Stadium on the main road north to Sollentuna Church and then back on the same road to the stadium.
At the finish the runners kept to the left after they had passed through the gate on Valhallavägen. Then they ran three quarters of a lap against the normal running direction to the finish line in front of the royal box.
The course was hilly. The lowest point (at 8km and 32km) was 10m above sea level. The highest point (at 12.5km and 27.5km) was 51m above sea level.
Here you will find the 1912 Olympic marathon course on Google maps.

2012: The course will run from Stockholm Olympic Stadium and then on the road north to Sollentuna Church and back on the same road to the stadium.
The course will follow the 1912 Olympic course as closely as possible. 26.3 of the 40.2 kilometres of the course is exactly the same as 1912. The remaining parts of the 2012 course never stray more than 235 metres from the 1912 course.
The same finish as 100 years ago, ie running 350m inside the stadium to the finish line in front of the royal box.
The course is as hilly as 100 years ago. The difference in altitude between the highest and lowest points is 41 metres. Check elevation profile.
Here you will find the 2012 Jubilee Marathon course on Google maps.

Memorial stone which will now be the turning point for the Jubilee Marathon.

Turning point

1912: A wooden stick in the middle of the road outside Sollentuna Church marked the turning point. Watch the film of the 1912 Olympic race.

2012: After the 1912 Games there was a discussion about erecting some kind of memorial to the Olympics, and it was decided to put a memorial stone at the turning point on the marathon course. The architect, Torben Grut, who also designed Stockholm Olympic Stadiun was commissioned to design the memorial stone.
The memorial stone was inaugurated in November 1913. It is a pillar about seven metres high in the form of a fluted doric column, made out of black granite, which reminds us of the ancient Olympic Games in Greece. At the top is a square stone. On the side which faces Stockholm, are the words ”Turning Point”, on the back, ”1912” and on the sides ”Marathon”.
Today the memorial stone stands about 35 metres north of the turning point of the 1912 Olympic race. This memorial stone which is at the side of the road outside Sollentuna Church will be the turning point for the Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912-2012.


1912: The distance was 40,200 m.

2012: Extensive road works are being carried out at Frescati after 4km and 36km on the course which means that we don’t know yet exactly how the course will be at that point. The distance now is provisionally 40,200 metres. In the autumn the definitive course measurement will be done. The course will be measured by an internationally accredited course measurer.

Runners who wish to run 42,195 metres – the stipulated distance for a marathon today – can choose to run an extra loop before the finish.
When these runners enter the Olympic Stadiun through the south gate, after just over 100m they run out again through the west gate towards Sofiahemmet. The runners then cover an extra loop before the come back into the stadium through the west gate at Drottning Sofias Väg. They then run about 200m to the finish line in front of the royal box.
Runners who choose to run 42,195 metres will be timed at 40,200 metres.

Runners on the way northwards, towards the turning point at Sollentuna Church.

Water stations

1912: There were four water stations along the course which were passed on the way out and back, Söderbrunn (2km and 38km), Stocksund (5km and 35km), Silverdal (11km and 29km) and Tureberg (15km and 25km). At these stations water, the and lemonade was served together with pieces of orange and lemon.
Water was also provided at the turning point after 20km.

2012: At Söderbrunn (2km and 38km), Stocksund (5km and 35km), Silverdal (11km and 29km) and Tureberg (15km and 25km) there will be the same type of water stations as in 1912 with water, ice tea together with pieces of orange and lemon. In addition a sports drink will be provided.
At 8km, 12.5km, 17.5km, 20km, 22.5km, 27.5km, 32km and 36.5km there will be additional water stations with water and sports drink. At certain stations, bananas and other refreshments will also be provided.


1912: Stopwatches were used to record the participants’ times. For the leaders split times were recorded at five points along the course, water stations Stocksund and Tureberg, turning point at Sollentuna Church and water stations Tureberg and Stocksund on the way back.

2012: Times will be recorded using a datachip. All runners will be given their finish time as well as split times at 5km, 10km, 15km, turning point at Sollentuna Church (approx 20km), 25km, 30km and 35km.


1912: The first three to finish received a medal.

2012: All finishers will receive a medal in the Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912-2012. On one side of the medal is Stockholm Olympic Stadiun as the arena looks today and as it looked 100 years ago. On the other side is a portrait of the South African, Kennedy Kane McArthur who won the Olympic race in 1912.
The medal is 60mm in diameter and attached to a blue and yellow ribbon.

Honorary awards

1912: The winner of the Marathon was awarded His Majesty the King of Greece’s honorary trophy.

2012: Honorary awards will be made to 50 runners who run the race in clothing (not shoes) which is most similar to the apparel worn during the 1912 Marathon.

Competition uniform

1912: All participants wore shorts and cotton vests.

2012: Running apparel is normally made from technical fabric today and obviously this will be permitted at the Jubilee Marathon.
For those who wish to run in 1912-style apparel, you will be able to buy a replica of the vest which the Swedish runners – and several other nations’ runners – wore in 1912. The vest is in cotton with the national flag printed across the chest.
Vests are available with the following national flags: Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, USA and South Africa.
The vest costs 30 Euro and can be purchased at registration. It will be sent by post at the end of August.


1912: Almost all the participants wore a handkerchief on the head as protection against the sun.

2012: When you pick up your number bib on 13 July 2012 you will receive a large hankerchief with instructions on how to knot it so that you can use it during the race if you wish.

Start of the the Marathon 1912. Almost all participants had a knotted hankerchief on the head.


1912: After the finish, the runners were served with champagne on the stadium infield.

2012: After the finish, those who wish can drink a small glass of sparkling wine.


1912: A range of festivities took place during the Olympic Games, mostly for Swedish and foreign dignatories.

2012: On Sunday 15 July – the day after the race – all participants are invited to the Jubilee Marathon farewell party at the Stockholm Olympic Stadium. There will be entertainment, awards ceremony, etc.

Time for the 1912 festivities.

Registration fee

1912: There was no registration fee for participants in the 1912 Olympic Games.

2012: The registration fee is 107 Euro. This fee includes – besides participation in the race:

  • A large hankerchief which can be used as a headgear during the race.
  • Jubilee Marathon farewell party at the Stockholm Olympic Stadium on 15 July.
  • Exclusive race medal for all finishers.
  • A souvenir Jubilee Marathon t-shirt for all finishers.

    When you register, you can buy the official training t-shirt for Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912-2012. Cost: 30 Euro including postage.


    1912: All participants had to complete a registration form in typewritten text. The athlete plus an official from the athlete’s country had to sign the form to guarantee, amongst other things, that he was an amateur and that he would follow the competition rules of the Olympic Games. The minimum age for participants was 17 years.
    The registration form had to be sent by post and reach the organisers by 6 June 1912 at the latest. Entry by telegram was not accepted.
    98 runners from 19 countries were registered for the marathon race. 69 started and 35 finished the race. All participants were men.
    At the 1912 Olympic Games women were only permitted to participate in swimming and tennis.

  • 2012: You register and pay the registration fee 107 Euro by Visa or Master Card on the Internet.
    Both men and women may participate.

    The minimum age is 18 (born in 1994 or earlier).
    Maximum running time is 6 hours.
    The deadline for registration is 4 August. However, a maximum of 8,100 runners will be accepted. If 8,100 runners are registered before 4 August, registration will close at the time that total is reached.
  • 1,500 places in the race are reserved for international travel agencies.
    Your registration is personal and can not be transferred to another runner.
  • Registration opens

    1912: The official invitation to the Olympic Games was sent on 18 November 1910.

    2012: Registration will open here on the race website at 13:48 on 14 July 2011 (exactly 99 years after the starting gun in 1912).

    South African celebration after double victory in the marathon. Second place Christian Gitsham and winner Kennedy Kane McArthur are carried out of the arena in triumph.


    1912: Before and during the Olympic Games approximately 90,000 documents were sent by post with information about the events.

    2012: All information about the race can be found here on the website for Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912-2012. In addition, registered runners will be sent information by email. In May 2012, all participants will receive by post their start document together with a detailed map of the course.
    If you need to know anything, don’t hesitate to contact the competition office:
    Phone: +46 8 545 66 440 (Monday-Friday 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00).

  • 1912: Svenska Gymnastik- och Idrottsföreningarnas Riksförbund and Centralföreningen för Idrottens Främjande – the country’s main sports organisations – stood behind the organising committee of 17 people who were responsible for the Olympic Games.
    Colonel V G Balck was the chairman of the committee and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Gustav Adolf (later King Gustav VI Adolf) was honorary chairman.
    Officials from the athletics club Fredrikshofs IF were responsible for the marathon course.

    2012: Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912-2012 will be organised by the athletics clubs Hässelby SK and Spårvägens FK. The same clubs which organise ASICS Stockholm Marathon and many other major distance races.

  • Officials from Fredrikshofs FIF are responsible for the course.
  • Welcome to the Jubilee Marathon Stockholm 1912-2012!
    Hässelby SK and Spårvägens FK.

  • author: GRR


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