
2013 IAAF World Outdoor Championships Moscow, Russia, August 10-18 2013 Photo: Victah Sailer@PhotoRun 631-741-1865 www.photorun.NET

Mercy Cherono setzt Kenias Erfolgsserie in Glasgow fort

By GRR 0

Kenias Läufer haben mit ihren Siegen entscheidend dazu beigetragen, dass ihre Nation das erfolgreichste Leichtathletik-Team bei den Commonwealth Games war. In Glasgow gewannen die Ostafrikaner insgesamt zehn Goldmedaillen und führten damit nach Abschluss der Wettbewerbe den Medaillenspiegel an.

Am letzten Tag der Leichtathletik-Wettkämpfe stand eine Langstrecken-Entscheidung auf dem Programm. Dabei wurden die Kenianerinnen über 5.000 m ihrer Favoritenrolle gerecht. Mercy Cherono gewann das Rennen in 15:07,21 Minuten vor ihrer Landsfrau Janet Kisa, die nach 15:08,90 im Ziel war. Für die erst 23-jährige Cherono war es der größte Sieg ihrer Karriere.

Im vergangenen Jahr war sie bereits WM-Zweite über 5.000 m. Einen kompletten kenianischen Triumph verhinderte in Schottland allerdings eine Engländerin: Jo Pavey schnappte sich die Bronzemedaille in 15:08,96 vor der dritten Kenianerin im Rennen, Margaret Muriuki (15:10,38).

Bereits tags zuvor, am Freitagabend, stand das 10.000-m-Finale der Männer auf dem Programm. Hier mussten sich die Kenianer jedoch mit einer Silbermedaille begnügen. Gold gewann nach einem Sprint mit Fotofinish Moses Kipsiro. Der erfahrene Läufer aus Uganda, der in seiner Karriere bereits Zweiter bei der Cross-WM 2009 war und in Glasgow als Commonwealth Games-Titelverteidiger am Start war, erreichte nach 27:56,11 Minuten mit drei Hundertstelsekunden Vorsprung vor Josphat Bett (Kenia/27:56,14) das Ziel.

Dritter wurde überraschend mit einem nur sehr knappen Rückstand der Kanadier Cameron Levins in 27:56,23. Ihm folgten die Kenianer Peter Kirui (27:58,24) und Charles Cheruiyot (27:59,91).


Stats by Ken Nakamura:

Day 7 
Magut became first two-time KEN medalist since Kip Keino, who won in 1966 and 1970
 Willis became first 3 time medalist at 1500m in CWG
for the third time in the CWG, KEN won both men's and women's 1500m. 
ENG also won the event 3 times in 1978, 1982 and 2002
KEN won both men's and women's 1500m in 1998 & 2002
first gold for RSA by Mokoena in TJ in CWG
RSA has two medals in TJ in CWG and Mokoena won both
Mokoena and Oke became 9th and 10th TJumper to win multiple medals at CWG; they both have gold and silver
first gold for KEN in JT at CWG; but it is not a first medal for KEN at JT in CWG; John Mayaka of KEN won bronze in 1974 CWG JT
Walcott won first medal of any kind for TTO in JT at CWG
Walcott had a chance to be the first to win gold in JT at CWG and OG, but only became third JT to win medal in both CWG and OG
37.58 is the fastest 4x100mR time in Scotland
best marks for place for 1st to 4th in CWG were set for 4x100mR
for the 2ndtime (their first was 2006) in CWG history, JAM won both men and women's 4x100mR; 
ENG also won both twice, in 1958 and 2010  
second medal and first bronze for TTO in 4x100mR at CWG; they have won silver back in 1978
37.58 is the CWG record for 4x100mR, but the winning margin of 0.44 is NOT the largest in history of CWG
largest winning margin in 4x100mR is 0.62 sec by JAM in 2006
3:00.46 is the fourth fastest 4x400mR time in CWG
3:00.46 by ENG is the fastest 4x400mR in Scotland, replacing 3:00.93 by GBR from 1992
0.05 difference between first and second is NOT the smallest ever at 4x400mR in CWG; 
in 2002 ENG won by 0.01 sec from WAL
first silver for BAH (they have won bronze back in 2002) in 4x400mR in CWG
For the second time in the history of CWG, KEN won both men's and women's 5000m; 
in fact no other nation won both men's and women's5k
W5000m was contested fur times and KEN has won multiple medals in all four times
best mark for place for 8th at CWG were set for W5000m
AUS won all five WPV contested in CWG; Boyd became first two time winner of WPV in CWG
4.50 is the second best WPV in CWG
CAN has won bronze in all WPV contested in CWG
Boyd won WPV by 25cm; the record winning margin is 27cm by Howe in 2007;
had Boyd cleared CWG record of 4.63, her winning margin would be record 38cm
Peake won first medal of any kind for WAL at WPV in CWG
JAM won second gold in W4x100mR in CWG; 41.83 is the CWG record as well as fastest time in SCotland
1.09 sec is the largest winning margin at W4x100mR at CWG
JAM became third nation to win both W4x100mR and W4x400mR in CWG
best marks for place for 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th in CWG were set for W4x100mR
first gold for JAM in w4x400mR at CWG; and first medal since 1994 for JAM with CWG record
JAM w4x400mR team ran fastest time in Scotland
For NGR, it was first silver (they have won 2 bronze) at W4x400mR in CWG
ENG won their first bronze at w4x400mR in CWG; they, however, won 4 golds and 4 silvers at the event in CWG
best marks for place for 1st to 4th in W4x400mR in CWG


author: GRR


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