
30 Jahre AIMS und 30. Athens Classic Marathon - Jubiläen am Wochenende in ATHEN ©Horst Milde

30 Jahre AIMS und 30. Athens Classic Marathon – Jubiläen am Wochenende in ATHEN

By GRR 0

AIMS (Association of International Marathon and Distance Races), die Vereinigung internationaler Läufe aus über 80 Ländern, feiert an diesem Wochenende in Athen das 30-jährige Jubiläum. AIMS wurde am 6./7. Mai 1982 im Park Lane Hotel in London gegründet.

AIMS hat inzwischen das Hauptquartier in Athen im Gelände des Olympiastadions, sinnigerweise in der Avenue Spyros Louis, dem Olympiasieger im Marathon 1896 von Athen. Der Berlin-Marathon gehört mit zu den Gründungsmitgliedern 1982 ( Siehe auch die anhängende pdf mit den 500,- $ AIMS Jahresbeitrag des Berlin-Marathon vom Oktober 1982 – gezahlt an die New York Road Runners, die nach der Gründung von AIMS  die ersten Arbeiten für AIMS übernahmen. Inzwischen sind 340 Laufveran-staltungen aus 97 Ländern Mitglied bei AIMS. Davon sind zehn aus Deutschland.

Der Jahresbeitrag beträgt jetzt 1.100,- $.

Das Jubiläum wird mit einem Gala-Dinner am Freitag, dem 9. November 2012 im Beisein des IAAF Präsidenten Lamine Diack und des langjährigen AIMS Präsidenten Hirioka Chosa /Japan begangen, des Marathon Weltrekordler Patrick Makau und anderer berühmten Marathonläufer, sowie vieler Renn Direktoren aus aller Welt.

Am Sonnabend, dem 10. November findet in Marathon – dem Geburtsort des MARATHON  – das 6. AIMS Symposium statt (Thema: "Levels & Quality Control of a Marathon Event"), vorher wird ein Festakt an der Grabstelle der gefallenen Athener von 410 v.Ch. zelebriert.

Ein weiteres Jubiläum wird dann am Sonntag begangen, wenn der Athens Classic Marathon sein 30-jähriges Jubiläum feiert. Dieser Lauf hat einige Zeit gebraucht bis er bei der griechischen Bevölkerung die Beachtung fand, die ihm in der Hauptstadt gebührt.

Es wird einiges am Wochende in Athen gefeiert – mal sehen, inwieweit allen Beteiligten dort überhaupt zum Feiern zumute ist.

Horst Milde


This year marks the 30th anniversary of AIMS, the Association having been "established" at a meeting on 6-7 May 1982. Coinciding with AIMS, the Athens Classic Marathon (ACM) also celebrates its 30th anniversary.

AIMS & SEGAS (the Hellenic Athletics Association organizer of ACM) together will honor their common 30th anniversary through a special event, a Gala-Dinner to take place in Athens, the birthplace of Marathon, the location of the new AIMS headquarters and the site of the authentic marathon, the Athens Classic Marathon.

The joint celebration of AIMS & ACM will be presented by the Patron of AIMS and major sponsor of ACM, OPAP s.a., the leading gaming operator in Greece.




This year marks the 30th anniversary of AIMS, the Association having been "established" at a meeting on 6-7 May 1982.  Coinciding with AIMS, the Athens Classic Marathon (ACM) also celebrates its 30th anniversary.

AIMS & SEGAS (the Hellenic Athletics Association organizer of ACM) together will honor their common 30th anniversary through a special event, a Gala-Dinner to take place in Athens, the birthplace of Marathon, the location of the new AIMS headquarters and the site of the authentic marathon, the Athens Classic Marathon.

The joint celebration of AIMS & ACM will be presented by the Patron of AIMS and major sponsor of ACM, OPAP s.a., the leading gaming operator in Greece.

AIMS & SEGAS on behalf of ACM will honor all those who have contributed towards making our running movement into such a successful mass sporting community in front of the Greek political and sport leaders, the Boards of AIMS & SEGAS, more than 50 race directors from all continents and a number of sporting and social figureheads from Greece and abroad.

During the Gala-Dinner which will be held in the historic center of Athens, on the evening of 9 November 2012, AIMS & ACM will honor Patrick Makau, the World Marathon Record Holder, Rosa Mota, the Olympic Medalist of the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, Nikos Pollias, the Greek Marathon Record holder, Georgia Abatzidou, the Greek female multi winner of ACM, Hiroaki Chosa, founding member and former President of AIMS, Lamine Diack, President of IAAF (tbc) and the organizers of the oldest Marathons on each continent.

AIMS and SEGAS are pleased to encourage the runners of the world to be in Athens for this unique 30th Anniversary of the Athens Classic Marathon.

To register for the ACM a runner needs to visit The same website can also be used for media accreditation.


 Presented by OPAP s.a. (the Leading Gaming Operator in Greece)

AIMS also encourages its members to register for the Gala-Dinner (Friday, November 9th), which will be followed next day by the 6th AIMS Marathon Symposium (Saturday, November 10th).

Both events are free of any registration fee for one delegate per Marathon race.

Registration of AIMS members for both events has been extended to October 15th, 2012 and must be done through the registration for the 6th AIMS MARATHON SYMPOSIUM.


AIMS-ACM 30th Anniversary Gala programme, 9 November 2012

Opening (19.30)

Greeting by AIMS President Paco Borao
Greeting by ACM/SEGAS President Kostas Pangopoulos
Greeting by President of OPAP, Konstantinos Louropoulos

Honouring of the President of the Hellenic Republic, Karolos Papoulias (to be confirmed)
Honouring of World Marathon record holder, Patrick Makau
Honouring of former European, World and Olympic Champion Rosa Mota

Honouring of Greek Marathon record holder Nikos Pollias
Honouring of multiple winner of the Athens Classic Marathon, Georgia Ampatzidou

Honouring of Founder member and former President of AIMS, Hiroaki Chosa
Honouring of the President of IAAF, Lamine Diack

Honouring of Athens Classic Marathon course record holder Abdelkarim Boubker and Tina Kefala
Honouring of other important Athens Classic Marathon personalities

Honouring of longest-serving IAAF-AIMS measurement administrator Jean-Francois Delasalle

Honouring of oldest Marathon in Africa – Comrades
Honouring of oldest Marathon in America – Boston
Honouring of oldest Marathon in Asia – Lake Biwa
Honouring of oldest Marathon in Europe – Kosice
Honouring of oldest Marathon in Oceania – Rotorua

[Ceremonies end at 22.00]

author: GRR


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