Online registration for Communities and Crisis – Inclusive Development Through Sport is now available on the ICSSPE website. Social workers, psychologists, students, sport professionals and other interested parties are invited to participate and increase their understanding and knowledge of how sport can be used for inclusive community
ICSSPE / CIEPSS – News – ICSSPE International Seminar – Registration to Communities and Crisis Now Online
Online registration for Communities and Crisis – Inclusive Development Through Sport is now available on the ICSSPE website.
Social workers, psychologists, students, sport professionals and other interested parties are invited to participate and increase their understanding and knowledge of how sport can be used for inclusive community building in social problem and crisis areas.
The international seminar will be held from 21-26 November, 2011, in Rheinsberg, Germany.
Through hands-on workshops and advice from international experts in science and practice the event will provide practical skills and the theoretical knowledge required to deliver psycho-social sport and physical activity programmes in crisis affected regions and communities.
In this context, international experts in science and practice will conduct didactical and experiential learning sessions on topics such as:
- Using the Potential of Sport – Adapting Sport Programmes to Different Cultures;
- Designing Inclusive Activities for Everyone; and
- Project Funding and Entrepreneurship.
To download the seminar flyer, please click here

For registration, please click here
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